The Phantom Of Hermitcraft 1: Why Have You brought Me Here?

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Doc frowns as he looks over some papers, Biffa had given him a full report about what happened to Mumbo and he had spent the last few weeks trying to figure out how the meteor came up with that complicated of a design. By all expectations, the meteor shouldn't know how to make something that complicated. He walks out into the main room where the meteor is stored and glares at it. It seems to sense his glare and it suddenly glows bright green before going dark once again. His communicator lights up with an alert from the meteor, "If you knew who I was you wouldn't dare glare at me."

"You've caused enough trouble, I will look at you how I want."

At this, he spins on his heel and heads out heading back to his base. As he's arriving an alert pings his communicator. It's saying the meteor has activated. As he reads this he frowns and pulls up the security feeds. It's giving off black ash looking particles along with some bright green ones mixed in. Doc's eyes go wide as he flicks the volume on and a screech not unlike nails on a chalkboard sounds, he quickly switches the sound off, "That can't be good."

Bdubs wakes with a start. Unsure of what time it is he groggily sits up and blinks in the harsh light coming through the window. Stumbling over he snaps the curtains closed and looks over at his communicator. As he flicks it on he drops it, hissing in pain and covering his eyes with his hands.

His eyes well with tears in attempts to stop the burning sensation. Carefully he squints his eyes open and turns the brightness down. Sending a panicked message to the main chat he burrows under a blanket. He sits there for a while with his eyes closed before cautiously opening them.

No pain, yet. Bdubs pulls a face as he realizes he can see just fine. Even though it should be nearly pitch black under the blanket. He can still make out all the different fibers from the blanket. Not daring to move the blankets he stays put hoping that someone would come to help him.

As he reads Bdubs message Doc shoves his papers into a desk and activates his elytra. Within seconds he's at Bdubs main base. He cautiously knocks on the door, when there's no answer he opens it. Looking around he cautiously walks in, he walks into the bedroom, "You in here?"

"Doc?" The slightly slurred voice of Bdubs whispers, "Is that you?"

"It's me, why don't you come out from there?"

"NO!" Bdubs shouts panicked, "I'm staying right here."

Doc looks at him growing nervous, "What happened?" He whispers as he kneels down next to the bed

"I don't know why but everything is way too bright."

"Do you want to borrow my sunglasses?"

There's a moment of silence before he answers, "Yeah."

Bdubs sticks his hand out of the blankets and grabs the pair of glasses. He puts them on then cautiously pokes his head out. Wincing a bit at the light he stands up and looks over at Doc.

Doc's eyes go wide, "Come with me. Now." He orders.

"What, why?" Bdubs stammers as Doc starts walking towards the door.

"Meteor's got you, we need to go somewhere dark so I can get a good look at your eyes."

Bdubs relents and follows Doc outside, the moment he steps into the full harsh afternoon light he winces and shuts his eyes tightly. Doc carefully pulls him along into his escape tunnel.

Once they are in a good way Doc tells Bdubs to open his eyes.

He cautiously opens his eyes and blinks a few times, "That's better."

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