Dragon Scales And Flaming Wings 1: Has Anyone seen Wels?

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Description blood in the second segment.


The Hermits had gathered once more in the shopping district at itrade to discuss the happenings around the server. This time they had gathered to explain what happened to Doc and to ask a rather important question.

 "Let's get started. Doc has been affected by the meteor." Xisuma pauses here to let the others whisper amongst themselves for a moment. "We all know that he's part creeper, the meteor has increased his creeper percentage to fifty. If you want more information on that ask him as I don't think it's going to be as bad as Mumbo if he gets caught somewhere," There's a small bit of protesting here from the mustache man himself, but that was quickly shot down by Iskall shoving a communicator in his face showing the messages of Mumbo's deactivating. 

"We have a different, slightly more pressing topic to discuss right now. Who have we not heard from in a while? I went to visit Python yesterday and he was stuck without any access to a communicator, if I hadn't shown up when I did something bad may have happened to him,"

The hermits discuss this for a few minutes before Jevin speaks up for the group, "Nobody has seen Wels in a few days,"

"Tomorrow morning go look for him," Ex speaks up, as everyone tries to get up and find him at once. "If you don't sleep now hostile mobs will spawn, and that can put him in more danger,"

"He's right, we go and find him tomorrow morning," Doc shouts, holding his trident slung over his shoulders.

"Why wait? If we wait he could get hurt or die!" False says, standing up arguing for her friend.

"How's this, we all go to our bases and on our way we check the places he might be?" Grian suggests trying to quell the building argument.

"Like, check his base, his shops, places he often goes," Iskall says nodding along with what Grian was saying.

"Alright we do that," False says jumping into the air activating her elytra and taking off in the direction of her base.

Everyone looks at each other, shrugs a bit then heads towards their respective bases stopping at places that Wels often was found.

"Xisuma," Cleo calls out to the admin as he was about to take off.


"Do you think something started to happen to him?"

"I don't know if he's gone silent for this long I fear it may have," Xisuma says solemnly, "But whatever happens we'll be here,"

Cleo nods before heading off in the direction of her base.


As Cleo flies to her boat she takes a moment to take a look around her town not looking for anything in particular, there wasn't much of a chance that Wels would be in the town as he lived quite a way away. She slowly walks through the streets looking around at the armor stand inhabitants. She rounds a corner looking at the amazing display of statues.

She had nearly made it to her boat when through the darkness a screaming cry of pain sounds echoing off the walls. She flips around running as fast as possible in the direction of the voice.

Flinging the door open Cleo is met with a horrible sight, blood is dripping off of the walls and pooling on the floors. Stifling a scream she looks down at the source of the blood. Wels, blood is dripping off of a pair of giant, red, scaly, wings.

They appear to have suddenly burst from his back flinging the blood all around the room. His clothes torn and tattered from wings bursting out.

"Wels? Are you?" Cleo asks voice wavering as she checks for a Pulse. "breathing... good."

The pulse is strong so Cleo makes the decision to bring him to a more suitable place. When rolling him over to better bring him over something long and scaly nearly hit her. Stopping for a moment to take a better look in the torchlight Cleo sees what had nearly hit her. A tail. A long dragon-like tail.


After bringing Wels to a larger home with room for his wings and tail Cleo calls Xisuma.

"Xisuma. Hey, I found him, he was in one of my buildings," Cleo shakily says into the communicator.

"That's awesome, how is he?" Xisuma replies.

"Not, good he has wings and a tail. He's also covered in blood. And he won't wake up,"

"That's not good, I can't come over right now. I'm helping Python with something really important, but I can be there later, can you call someone else?"

"I can."

"I'm really sorry, I'll be there later, promise,"

"Ok, see you later," Putting the communicator back down on its wristband Cleo walks over to Wels putting a blanket over his back for the moment . She mutters to herself trying to decide who to call. Settling on Joe she pulls out her communicator flips it to the call page and selects Joe's name.

"Howdy?" The sleep-filled voice of Joe Hills answers.

"Joe, hi, there's a problem. I found Wels, I need some help,"

"Where are you, I'll be there in a moment,"

"Thanks, I'm in Tortuga, the biggest house, you can't miss it,"

"Ok, see you in a minute,"

Cleo slowly walks around the area before getting a water bucket and a sponge.


As Joe rushes up to the house that Cleo had Specified he checks if he brought the right potions. He did, he had brought a few healing and regeneration potions. When he arrives at the house he knocks on the door quietly before entering as not to startle anyone inside.

"Oh good you're here," Cleo says, grabbing Joe's wrist and dragging him over to Wels's unconscious form. "Help me get the blood off of him,"

"Where do you want me to start?" Joe asks as he grabs a sponge and bucket.

"Here," Cleo says pointing at Wels' tail. "I already got one of his wings done, so I'll finish his back,"

"Got it," The pair worked in silence for a while until they were almost finished with getting the now dried blood off Wels.

"Joe? Can you check the closet upstairs there should be some clothing that will fit him,"

"Will do," As Joe starts up the stairs he realizes something. "Hey, Cleo?"


"Where's his armor?"

"He wasn't wearing any when I found him,"

"That's weird I don't think I've ever seen him without it on," Joe says as he starts looking through the closet.

"Did you find any clothes up there?" Cleo shouts up the stairs.

"I did," Joe says as he comes downstairs. "Here you go,"

"Thanks," Cleo says as they change Wels out of the bloodstained torn mess that used to be his shirt and pants.

"You said he hasn't woken up once this entire time?" Joe questions.

"Yeah, he hasn't moved either," Cleo answers, putting a fresh blanket over Wels' back.

"Did you call Xisuma?" Joe asks as he stretches pulling his arm over his head.

"I did, he said he was busy doing something and would show up once he finished."

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