Toll The Dead 3: False Life

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"Aww, darn it," Tango laughs, "We're out of potions."

The three have been helping Zedaph out with Zedaph's pig-filled spaceship. They've been refining the ship's design and helping pigs float.

"I'll go get some," Zedaph bleats.

"Ok I'll go with you, Impy watch the pigs."

Impulse looks over from his spot next to the shulker, "What, oh ok."

Tail flicking Tango flaps his wings and takes off into the void.

Zedaph follows moments later leaving Impulse alone. Grinning at his friend's fading figure he sighs, he would have gone with them if he could, flying over the void is pretty scary and never really ends well...

My child, greetings. A feeling of warmth blossoms around Impulse, Have you put any further thought into our meeting?

"I- Not really?"

You're unsure?

"Yeah... I just don't feel ready yet."

Well, time isn't an issue for the void. I can wait. A cluster of stars dance around Impulse now, a celestial hug of sorts.

How have you been finding things? The stars shift away slightly, now perched along the edge.

"It's been weird, but that's not really unusual for us." He turns away, "Not anymore."

The stars swirl, a makeshift nod, taking his words into consideration.

Ah, are you all faring well with this new... Event? You have been though so much.

"I guess so.. Oh! I saw Skiz at MCC, he was just about ready to fight that rock. Was chill about the whole bedrock thing, which is good. I also met this other person from another SMP, Wilbur, I think it was."

Yes, Wilbur Soot. Such a sudden meeting, though I do not regret it. He sang such a beautiful song. An echoing memory, fond and treasured.

Songbirds must fly.

"You met him!? He didn't mention you, that doesn't make sense."

We never truly met. His voice met the depths through experiments. What connection we had has nearly faded... Forgive me, my voice wavers.

"That's fine, you don't need to talk!" The stars emit a burst of faint twinkling laughter, but therein lies no malice, only appreciation, "During MCC some of the audience kept accusing us of cheating...

"If I were to take the step, would you be able to talk better?"

The stars sink, hesitation evident through their stillness.

Impulse knows that's a yes. He can feel it.

I cannot say, An audible sigh, for it's not my place to make that decision for you. Just trust that I will catch you... always.

Impulse takes a deep breath, "I trust you..." He stands up and looks into the endlessly stretching void.

Walking to the edge of the ship Impulse looks down. Closing his eyes he lets himself fall. His breath puffs out as he lands on something soft. Standing up he sees what he landed on, a dark purple and golden roof.

Sorry about the rough landing, I'll guide you down my child.

His vision is blurry, but a gentle hand grasps his and begins to pull him in the proper direction. He just barely hears steps accompany his, faint clicking as it pads down. Impulse is sat down, blankets and pillows brought to his lap. He rubs his eyes as a mug of warm chocolate is placed in his hands. He can see the handiwork of the mug, chorus flowers traced into the glazen surface. Now, he looks at the now clear figure standing before him, intentions of thanking it.

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