Comfort Is found In Words And Actions Part2: Cleo

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Cleo looks out into the ocean. Pulling her arms around herself she sighs.

Something about all this feels wrong.

She's not dead anymore.

But she's not alive either.

Being wooden is new. And she doesn't like it.

She was alive, once. A long time ago.

When she was turned into a Zombie she hated it at first.

Hated how she changed, how her mind dulled and body began rotting.

But after time, she grew to accept and even love being a zombie. She regained her mind and began to work on bettering herself.

And it worked. She made new friends and eventually met Joe Hills. She got invited to Hermitcraft and everything was really nice.

Then the meteor happened.


"Gah," She jumps slightly whirling around. "Oh, it's you," she snatchers her arm out of the sunshine.

Joe laughs and shrugs, "Well you don't have to look that thrilled," Sitting next to her he sighs, "What's bothering you?"

"This," Cleo motions to everything, "I'm supposed to be the dead one. And now I'm... I don't even know what I am. I'm made of wood and stuffs growing form the wood so I'm not dead, but it's a different kind of alive." She shudders. "No heartbeat, no blood."

"Isn't that what you're used to?"

"Yeah, but I don't feel the organs inside. I'm just a solid pice of wood."

Joe nods, "Oh."

"I just want to go back to normal." Cleo sighs, "Look my life's been weird ever since Carol bit me. I got so much better when I joined the hermits. But now. I've changed again." She wiggles her wooden fingers. "I'm not doing all that all right now."

Joe scoots over and gives Cleo a hug. "I'm sorry, I hope it gets better."

"So do I..."

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