Python's Tail

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Python leaves Jevin's house looking a bit dazed. It had been a long day and he was flat out exhausted, Xisuma had wanted to talk to some of the hermits about possible changes that might happen and Doc had proved X right by regrowing his tail. Naturally, Python was a bit on edge from that, it didn't help that after Doc had left with Ren, Xisuma had pulled him aside to ask specifics on the experiments he had mentioned before. It hadn't been quite as bad as what happened to Doc but it still took some getting used to.

"Python, before Doc... happened, you said you had been experimented on? If you don't mind me prying what happened?" Xisuma says softly sitting down next to Python who was wedged next to the fire.

"Oh, well, what they did to me wasn't nearly as bad as what happened to Doc. All they did was reassemble my body structure," Python says nonchalantly, shrugging before meeting Xisuma's solid green eyes. "That wasn't what you thought was it?"

"Honestly no,"

"So, can I go home now?" Python asks pointing across the road to his starter home.

"Sorry, would it be alright if I stop by to check on you every so often?" Xisuma asks concern lacing his voice.

"Yeah, that would be great, thanks,"

"Not a problem. If you need anyone, call, ok?"

"Will do, thanks X," With that Python had walked over to his base entered and flopped down on his bed for a while before starting to plan what to do for his next tower over in the bay.


Python remained at his home for the next few days. He had spent the rest of the day at his home near the shopping district and the next morning he returned to his towers.

He finished off all of his skyscrapers spending as much time as he could on top of them basking in the warm sunshine. As the sun sets softly over the horizon. Yawning, his mouth opens wide showing off the sharpened fangs that lined his mouth. He changes out of his suit into a pajama set and falls on his bed falling asleep nearly instantly.

"Python? Python! Wake up," Xisuma shouts, shaking the sleeping creeper.

Half opening an eye Python asks voice smothered with sleep, "What are you doing?"

"Oh thank goodness!" Xisuma exhales stumbling backward.

"What happened? X, what?"

"Yesterday, I came by to see how you were doing, and you were sleeping so I left you alone. When I came over just now you didn't look like you had moved and it scared me,"

Python sits up and nods still sleepy, "Sorry for scaring you,"

"No worries, there's a meeting tomorrow do you want to come? If no I can just tell you,"

"I'm, not sure I want to go," Python says, curling up into a tight ball.

"Ok, you already know what's happened to Doc and the other part is making sure we know where all the hermits are,"

"Thanks, X"


After Xisuma left Python had a few great days and nothing abnormal happened, his sleep schedule was normal, Xisuma would show up once a day to check up on him, his life was about as normal as you could get, until one morning when he woke up and couldn't move his legs. "Crap"

With some difficulty, feeling like he was stretching a muscle the wrong way he manages to sit up, sitting there stunned for a moment he suddenly falls back onto his bed throwing one of his arms over his eyes. Silently cursing himself for leaving his communicator on the top floor of his tower.

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