Eagle Eyes

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"Don't put that there," Xisuma says, tail flicking wildly. A bit nervous that Keralis would break the concrete machine.

"Sorry, Shishwamy," Keralis smiles, moving the box over to a safer place.

Xisuma nods in thanks, carefully stepping around the bits of redstone and making extra sure that his tail wasn't going to hit anything. About halfway across the beam Xisuma stumbles forward and starts walking on all fours as his balance was horrible if he didn't let his tail move freely.

As Xisuma makes it over to where Keralis was waiting he growls slightly under his breath, something was clearly bothering him.

"Are you ok?" Keralis asks, kneeling on the ground next to Xisuma.

Xisuma stands up shaking his head and muttering, "My horns feel really weird."

"Do you know why?" Keralis asks, blinking a bit in the harsh sunlight.

"Not really? I feel like rubbing them against something," Xisuma explains, hunched over in the small room, trying not to poke Keralis with his spines.

"Sharping, maybe?" Is suggested as Keralis pokes at one of the horns testing how sharp it was with his finger.

"That would make sense," Xisuma muses, reaching up to run his hand along the length of the horns.

"Shiswamy, I've been wondering, do the horns have any feeling?"

"Oh, um, sort of. It's like your nails, you can only sort of feel them, but it's really faint," Xisuma explains, looking around anxiously.

"If you want to go and sharpen your horns I can put the powder into the chests," Keralis says, looking at Xisuma who looked really uncomfortable, "Don't give me that look, I promise not to touch anything but the chests."

"Ok," Xisuma relents as he stalks off into the jungle, "Don't break anything."

Keralis rolls his eyes and gets to work putting the concrete away. By the time Xisuma returns with his horns feeling normal again Keralis is almost done putting it away. A few words are exchanged when their communicators start going off with an alert.

The alert is brushed off at first, as earlier that day a couple of alerts had gone off from Mumbo getting killed by a skeleton and he had ended up stranded on the spawn island. Beef who had been working on Lama Rama at the time had flown over and rescued Mumbo who had deactivated from the lack of a signal. After about two minutes the communicators were still beeping so they picked them up to take a look, it was one of the alerts from the meteor saying that it was admitting signals again.

DocM77: I'm there, the meteor has what looks like heat waves and bits of pollen flaking off.

Grian: That's an odd combo.

Xisuma looks over at Keralis who was looking rather nervous, "Are you ok?"

"Oh, just a bit nervous that it'll get me next,"

"Why?" Xisuma asks, cocking his head to one side.

Keralis gives a small smile, "It's the Pollen, the bees have that and we've been pretending to be bees,"

Xisuma nods understanding where Keralis's fear had come from. "How's this? I'll stay with you tonight and keep an eye out for something happening."

Looking up and meeting Xisuma's solid green eyes Keralis nods, "What about EX? I don't think he'll like someone else there."

"He's moved out, he has his own place not too far from here,"

The pair finish up what they were doing and head over to Xisuma's home near his bee farms. As they near the base Keralis starts giggling about having a sleepover. Xisuma smiles the best he can through his mask and fangs.

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