Agitated Instincts 3: Well that happened.

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As the moon rises beyond its midpoint, a small figure begins its plan. Scar emerges from his hiding spot in the omega store and begins his way over to Stress's potion shop. Slowly, as to not disturb the sleeping birds who had taken residence in the tree the day before, he collects the feathers and tucks them away within an empty shulker box. Silently he closes the now-full box and makes his way to grab the next part of this prank.

Scar's excitement grows quickly, each step bringing him closer to playing the prank. Cackles leave him as the honey shop comes into view. He rushes over the Honey Pot with little sound. Quickly he scoops up the honey into a different shulker and exits the shop with great haste.

Quietly he makes his way back to the sleeping piles of hermits that stayed on the island. He gazes out among the group.

"Who to choose? Who to choose?" he questions. He floats over his sleeping options and thinks.

"Doc would be fun but he would be too angry afterward. Maybe Mumbo, the brit always liked the sticky substance. Perhaps Beef or Zedaph, no... not good enough for this prank." He continues to lazily float above the group considering his choices, then his eyes land on the perfect victim.


The werewolf was just off the side of the group curled in on himself sleeping with little care. His thick fur would be an absolute mess with the honey and feathers. Laughs leak from the Vex's mouth as excitement boiled up in his chest.

He pulls the honey-filled shulker from his inventory and rises until he's hovering over the hapless werewolf. He grins, his mouth twisting into a horrific smile as his eyes glow a bright blue. Vex magic sparks from the open hand casting a spell on the werewolf. Ren's muscles relax further as a sleep spell weaves a tight hold on his consciousness. The magic pulsing through his hands heats the honey-filled box, letting the honey flow easier. Carefully he floats from the tip of Ren's nose to his tail coating the thick fur in a thicker layer of honey.

Scar softly cackles as the honey sinks into the fur already creating mats in the coat of the werewolf. The honey drips down to his paws and slides across his body to his stomach. After the honey is thoroughly covering the wolf, Scar pulls the box of gathered feathers from his inventory and shakes it open. A cascade of feathers falls upon Ren's body becoming stuck within the mess of fur and honey. Scar laughter grows louder as he gazes upon the honey-and-feathers werewolf. Too loud.

Zedaph is roused from his slumber curdled next to Impulse by high pitched laughter.

"Hello?" he sleepily bleats out.

Startled by the sudden statement, Scar loses his grip on the box of feathers, and his concentration slips from the sleep spell. The box crashes onto Ren's head, waking up instantly with a confused growl. Zedaph leaps to his hooves at the growl stumbling into Impulse, awaking him with a startled grunt of pain as Zed's hoof lands on his stomach rousing more hermits from their sleep.

Ren goes to rub at the impact point of the box and finds that his limbs are a bit heavier than when he fell asleep as well as harder to move. Ren reaches to rub the growing bump on his head when his paw meets a sticky and weird texture mess of fur. He pulls back his paw to see it coated in honey and feathers.

He spins around looking for whatever did this to him in confusion. A laugh brings his attention to the small Vex floating just a few feet above him. Scar's laughter stirs something in Ren. Something deep and primal. His confusion turns to anger as growls and barks leave him. The remaining hermits snap awake from the loud, deep barking.

Ren lunges at the Vex and Scar's laughter is brought to a sudden stop. Hastily Scar flies higher to get away from the enraged werewolf only to be snapped at again. A fearful yelp escapes him as he tries to fly somewhere safe. Ren quickly gives chase to the blue spirit's retreat. They crash through the other hermits nearly knocking some over as Scar zig zags to attempts to lose Ren.

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