Iskallium 2: Vee

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"I'm sorry, can you run that by me one more time?" Grian asks rather confusedly as to what Mumbo and Iskall were trying to explain.

Mumbo looks at Grian then make making sure he was making sense slowly says, "Iskall's been affected and we think he's turning into a slime or something like that,"

Grian squints at Iskall for a moment, "Okay? What exactly has happened so far?"

"Well, he doesn't take fall damage, and he can be really sticky if he wants," Mumbo explains as Iskall demonstrates how he can stick to things by attaching himself to the wall for a few seconds.

"That's incredible," Grian whispers. "Is there anything else that happened?"

"We don't know yet," Iskall starts, "This started happening a few hours ago."

Grian makes a small oh with his mouth before moving on, "Well, does anything feel weird?"

Iskall shrugs, "I don't really know, I guess I feel a little jittery or jumpy and my hands are all slimy,"

"Were they like that earlier?" Grian asks, a bit confused.

Iskall shaking his head, "No, they just got really slimy."

"Should we go get Xisuma?" Mumbo questions, gesturing towards the sleeping man whose spikes were moving with his breath.

"No, let him sleep. If we wake him his brother will come after us," Iskall says shuddering at the thought of Evil Xisuma coming after them.

Grian laughs at this before settling down. "So what now?"

Mumbo gets up brushing off his pants, "I'm making a concrete machine and I could use some help,"

A few hours later and the work on the machine was nearly complete. There was one piece missing, a single sticky piston. Looking around for the needed parts Mumbo was able to locate the piston but he was unable to locate any sort of slime.

"Anyone got a slimeball?" Mumbo asks searching though some chests.

"Nope!" Grian says knowing for a fact that he didn't have any.

Iskall was less sure and checks his pockets, "I don't have any... where did this come from?" Iskall pulls his hand from his pocket, there was a bit of slime dripping off his fingertips and forming into a ball.

"Oh my. That's odd, We should probably get Xisuma," Mumbo says, hurriedly dragging Iskall back inside with Grian following a few steps behind.

As they make their way inside they are met by Xisuma who is standing by the window. "What happened?"

"I somehow made a slimeball," Iskall says showing Xisuma what had happened.

"I see," Xisuma murmurs under his breath, spikes bristling slightly as his tail softly flicks. "I'll have Doc look for something with the meteor, and you should probably ask Jevin if there's anything you should beware about."


In a large cave near where the meteor was contained a pair of tiny slimes. They were playing a game of tag together when a small light lit up the cavern.

When the light clears the smaller slimes are no longer in their cavern instead they were on a strange beach that had an odd wooden Building on it.

As the two slimes bounce forwards rather confused there's another flash of light and their colors have changed to dark blue and purple. Now completely frightened, the pair rush towards the building. As they get closer to getting inside the sun sets and monsters start to spawn.

They eventually make it and sit huddled into a corner. They sit there until morning where a strange man clad in green and browns walks into the building. He quickly clears out the hostile mobs that had attempted to enter his house that night. As he's about to drop down into a mineshaft running under the hole he spots the small slimes. Looking at them curiously he gently picks the purple one up. The purple slime does nothing save for wiggle a little in hopes of being put down.

Someone enters the house and calls to the man holding the small slime, "Hey, Iskall what you got there?"

"Oh, hey Grian, I'm not sure actually. These two were here when I got here," Iskall says gently setting the small slime down. The blue one pushes against his hand trying to get him to pick him up.

"Well, they are cute," Grian says, sitting down next to the smaller purple slime who shys away from him a little. "What are you going to do with them?"

"Not sure, they are really cute and I don't want to do anything bad to them. I kind of want to protect them," Iskall tries to explain setting the slime down.

"Well, sounds to me like you're keeping them, what are you going to name them?"

Iskall sits frozen for a few moments before answering, "The blue one Echo, and the purple one Vee,"

"Aww, that's so cute. How'd you come up with that?"

"I don't know, something kind of told me those where their names? I don't know,"

"That's kinda weird. We should show them to Stress,"

Iskall looks up from giving Vee head pats and nods to Grian who flies off to find the X-ice queen. As soon as Grian leaves the two slimes bounce up and onto Iskall's lap, where they snuggle into the folds of his jacket and appear to fall asleep. Which after the chaotic night that they had is reasonable.

A few minutes pass and Grian renters dragging a rather confused Stress with him. As Grian explains what had happened to Iskall and how he had found the small slimes who seem to have had imprinted on Iskall, Stress leans over and takes a look at the small slimes. They end up spending all day playing with the slimes, who follow Iskall around and are very cute while doing so.


Sorry its a little short, it's my spring brake and we didn't have school work so I had nothing to procrastinate on but this. Lol hope you injoy. All requests are welcome.

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