Visiting Hours 2: the plan

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The meeting takes place near the void pit in the boatem hole. Xisuma, Doc, Etho, Iskall, Beef, Impulse, Joe, and Hypno. All gathered together in the slime farm. A staircase had been constructed for easy access.

"This is getting bad," Xisuma flicks his tail, "He's gaining confidence."

Impulse nods, "Yeah, he's hurting more than just us..."

Stomping a hoove, Beef sits down and crosses his arms, "Not to mention Tango's problem."

The others nod in sympathy.

"Where is he anyways?" Etho hums, "Thought he was supposed to be here."

"Yeah, he was too tired to come," Impulse shrugs, "Mumbo and Grian are watching him for tonight."


Grian calls over to Mumbo, "You have Tango, right Mumbo?"

Mumbo gasps, "What? I thought you had him."

"I put him down on a chest and went to get some blankets, but when I came back he wasn't there. You didn't move him?" Grian flairs his wings out.

"No, I didn't! Did you lose Tango in your chest monster?!"

"...Oh, no," Grian goes pale, "I'm sorry- wait."

"What?" Mumbo whispers as Grian shushes him.

A soft giggle.

"He wouldn't have... would he?"

Mumbo opens the chest, "Looks like he did."

Tango laughs as Grian pulls him out of the chest.

"Please don't do that again," Grian sighs, "You almost gave me a, uh. You almost killed me."

"Sorry," Tango murmurs leaning into Grain's side, "It looked cozy."


"You don't mind filling him in do you?" Xisuma asks.

"That's good, he told me to give him the details anyways," Impulse nods.

Doc hisses in thought, "How is he doing? I know he was really stressed."

"Not too good," Impulse shakes his head, "He already hates being a kid, and he's spent so much time already this season as one... he's trying so hard. I don't know what we need to do."

Xisuma nods, "With the plan, that might be able to help..."

Joe nods, "It might not remove the problem but it might make it more bearable..."

"Impulse, is Void willing to help?" Doc asks as he scribbles down a few notes.

One of Impulses eyes is filled with pure void, "Void says it's willing to help"

Hypno nods, "Scar and I have been making crystals to soak up all the extra magic. Stress had some around her base so we have his magic."

Impulse nods, "You have any on you?"

"Sure do," Hypno grins as max drops the crystals into his hand, "What do you want it for?"

"I just want to see something," Impulse grins.

"Void want something?" Beef asks.

"Yeah," Impulse shrugs, licking at the gem he shudders, "why did you have me taste it?"

Joe laughs, "Why did you have to taste it?"

Impulse hums, "Not sure... tastes good though."

"And that's enough of that," Hypno plucks the gem from his hands.

"Do we have the magic needed to put the plan into action?"

"I would say that yes, yes we do," Hypno grins with Joe and Impulse nodding along.

Taking a deep breath Xisuma grins, "Let's give it a shot. Drain his magic, throw him in the void."

And with that the plan is set into motion.

They crystals are set to absorb as much magic as possible and the wait begins.

Heading out to collect Tango, Impulse grins at the sleeping form curled up in a little ball.

"Thank you," He whispers to Grian.

"It was no problem," Grian yawns, "See you in the morning."

Impulse waves as he gently picks Tango up and walks over to his base, setting Tango in his bed he places another nearby and heads to sleep.


The next morning there is definitely something different. The world is oddly still. The hermits can feel something that's different, pressing down on them. It's a bit uncomfortable but for what will hopefully happen. it'll be worth it.

Impulse and Doc met up by Doc's base.

"Ready?" Impulse asks softly.

Doc nods and grabs his pick ax, "Let's do this thing."

Grinning Impulse nods, "The bedrocks gone, should just be a matter of removing the stone below."

Doc nods, "Yep, just empty space below."

Slowly picking their way down into the meteor's cave, Impulse and Doc swiftly break the blocks around its base and plunge it down into the empty void below.

Impulse slips to the floor as Doc blocks the hole in the floor off.

"You ok?"

Impulse shakes his head, "Yeah, yeah, I'm ok..."

Helping him up, Doc looks at his eyes, "Void talking to you?"

"Yeah," Impulse's face falls, "That wasn't enough... He's coming back."

Cursing sharply Doc pulls Impulse back as the meteor starts to fizzle back into place.

A large crack has been made in the side of the meteor, a bit of light spreading out.

Hissing sharply, Doc makes an ignition sound, "Why didn't it work?"

"Void says he's a lot more powerful than expected," Impulse shrugs, "We should get out of here."

Doc nods and hisses again, bringing a hand to his throat he freezes and starts scampering up the stairs. Impulse runs up the stairs after him.

Getting up to the sitting room Doc stamps his feet around and flops onto the dog bed, "That wassss a total disssasssster."

Impulse nods, "I think we're going to pay for that."

Doc hisses and rubs his arm, "Oh yeah."

"He's a lot weaker at least," Impulse sighs.

"We could try again," Doc hums, "It wouldn't be too hard."

Yawning Impulse leans back, "I don't think we should."

Doc nods and sets his head down on the bed and hisses softly, "Yeah."

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