Sliced Watchers

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takes place on the Legacy SMP.

"Lime, are you alright?" Logic asks running to the crumpled form of his friend lying crumpled in the caldron, "You're looking... different, are you alright?"

The thing in his friend's body gives a harsh laugh, "The one you call Lime is no more, I am Slicer. The Voice of the withers."

"That doesn't sound good," Logic murmurs, caught in place wondering what to do.

"You are the one they call the one true King, are you not?" Lime- no Slicer asks his grating voice echoing around the cave...

Logic strains up, "That is true. I am the one true king of this land."

Slicer grins pulling Limes sword from their belt, "Not for long."

Squeaking Logic opens his elytra and takes off, as he flies something whispers, "no, no," The plan to stop the withering had clearly failed, the wither instead had taken Lime's body and is using it as a sort of meat puppet.

Slicer looks around his location in the cave and frowns, "This vessel is less ideal than we hoped. It retained none of its former power," Slipping the sword back its sheath they grin, "That blade will do nicely though, thank you, watcher. I shall use it well."

From his spot tethered to Slicer, Lime shudders and attempts to access his magic.

"I would not recommend trying that, you're stuck as a spectator like it or not, I will destroy your server and take you, watchers, along with it."

"No," Lime manages, "They'll stop you."

"How quaint," Slicer mocks, "You think they will come for you, but they can't get in. Not unless I let them in. You have no magic, and you know what that means. You will die here."

The spectral form of Lime starts to fizzle around the edges as he lets himself slip into hazy unconsciousness.


"Slicer?" A nervous voice comes from the door, "I have a gift. A peace offering, maybe we can talk?" Handing them the nether stars Logic cowers back under the blood-red gaze.

Slicer's; technically Limes, communicator buzzes with an achievement, he laughs.


"You found this form impressive do you?" Slicer grins; his form is a little less efficient than most players. The wither had chosen poorly. What they had thought to have the most power was one of the weakest without. The watcher's magic must follow the soul, not the body.

"Mmmm yes?"

"Well, you may only hold these stars, but I am made of them," Slicer boasts throwing the stars back at Logic."

"Woah, Geez I should get out of here," Logic turns tail and runs out of the renovated desert temple.

Slicer scoffs and wanders outside. A few dogs spot him and growl hackles raised, "You recognize my power but the vessel is weak. I need to infuse it with more power."

A trail of bloodshed follows behind In Slicer's wake. Eventually, the Watchers do show up, unable to do anything but observe the happenings.

"Ahh, the watchers are here, good," Slicer grins, "I've taken your precious developer's body and you can't do a thing to stop me. It's been a long time coming. Our work here is done, it's time to move on. A new power is rising its victory at hand. Born out of a million deaths I am the supreme commander of this legion now. If you join me we shall establish dominion. We shall find the center of civilization here and we will set up the dark citadel of power. That is where we shall rule."

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