Queen Of Hearts And Body Parts: The meteor Is A Butt

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"Is this really necessary?" False grunts. Doc and Stress have made an agility course for her to run though.

"We need to see how you compare to normal," Doc explains.

Stress grins, "Come on it'll be fun, Race me."

"Race you?" False grins, "Ok let's get this over with."

Stress grins, "Ok I'll go first."

After she gets back False nods and easily runs though the course.

"Ok, now what?"

Doc nods, "I would like to test something... If i'm wrong you respawn, if i'm right you might be considerably harder to kill."

Raising an eyebrow False frowns, "What does that mean?"

Sighing Doc straightens up, "I'm not sure how to explain, last night the particles the meteor was giving off were forming images and it was a humanoid form waving with a severed limb then reattaching it..."

"Really?" False asks, "Well... can he do that?"

"I would guess he can, look at what he's done to everyone," Doc hisses.


"Better learn in a controlled environment then in combat..." Stress grins, "Do you want to test it?"

"Well, worst case Cleo gets a new head, sure, let's try it."

Doc grins as he neatly pulls his sword out, False takes a deep breath and braces herself. The odd feeling of falling passes over her and False assumes that she's back in her base.

"Whoa it actually worked," Stress shouts.

Slowly opening her eyes False yelps, "Well, this is strange..." Slowly and carefully bending down she picks her head up and blinks, "This is weird..."

Stress frowns, "Kinda creepy."

Doc nods in agreement, "Put your head back on?"

Reaching up False sets her head back onto her shoulders and shudders, "That felt really weird."

"You ok?" Stress asks as she walks over to her.

"Hmm, yeah, i'll be fine, that was just weird,"


False sighs as she slumps down in her base, the whole being able to detach and reattach limbs at will is just really off putting and weird. Leaning back she frowns.

Something about this just feels off... Sure the meteor does weird things but never really this weird.

"Hey False," Tango waves as he lands, neatly folding his wings behind him as his tail flicks.

"Hi Tango, what brings you here?" She grins.

"What, I'm not allowed to just drop by to see my neighbor?" Tango grins awkwardly, his feathers getting ruffled up softly.

Spinning around to lock eyes False frowns, "I don't buy it. Spill."

Softly preening his wings, Tango shrugs, flicking his tail around his waist , "I don't know why I'm here... it just felt like the right thing to do."

False shrugs, "Meteor?"

"Probably," Tango chirps, "I'll stick around?"

"That would be nice," False smiles, "Want to help with some farms?"

The flame on his tail flickers excitedly, "Heck yeah."

As they wander into the sugar cane farm Tango puffs his feathers up and drops down into the redstone.

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