Xisuma Just Wants Some Peace 4: Some times you just want to fight your tail

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"XISUMA!" E.X yells running towards his brother who was growling loudly as he tries to take a step, legs buckling as they bent in odd places.

"Exy? What's happening? What's wrong with me?" Xisuma cries voice cracking as he tries not to lose composure.

"Well for starters you're too smart and you act far too stiff,"

"Not the time," Xisuma growls.

"Well, your legs are bent differently and your feet are more like claws. Sorry I was trying to ease the tension,"

Xisuma's eyes go wide as he looks down and sees the problem, "That's not good,"

"No it's not, Listen Doc will be back in about half an hour with some stuff to help you. Right now we need to figure out how you can walk."

"Ok, your right, we can't do anything without that,"

As E.X helps Xisuma relearn walking by holding both hands and slowly shuffling backward E.X slowly lets go of Xisuma's hands. Once both hands were free Xisuma takes a few steps before he falls down catching himself with his hands before he could hit the ground. While on all fours the spikes start to extend and poke into E.X.'s hands.

"Careful, with the spikes," E.X warns as Xisuma's spikes stand up nearly impaling him.


"No problem,"

As E.X helps Xisuma stand back up the spikes fall back along his spine. They continue practicing until Doc returns with Xisuma's armor and helmet. Which had been remade to fit with the horns and legs.

"Don't put it on yet, the meteor is slowly emitting sparks still, something else still may happen," Doc explains as he opens his laptop that had the fed from a camera in the meteor room. "Does anything hurt or feel off?"

"The lower part of my back started bothering me a few minutes ago," Xisuma says as he moves to the other side of the small room they were in.

"I can see you can walk again," Doc observes. Xisuma nods his head and rubs at his horns. "Can you come over here and lay down,"

"Um, sure,?"


"So, it looks like you're going to grow a tail," Doc says as he puts his communicator down. At seeing Xisuma's terrified face Doc continues saying, "If it's alright with you we are going to have you sleep until your tails grown in,"

"That, sounds, good," Xisuma says slowly as he thinks about the offer. Doc gives him a half-smile nodding before he leads Xisuma to his bed.


The sound of hushed voices slowly coming into earshot, started to draw Xisuma from his unconscious state. "Doc! I want an answer, he's been asleep for five days now, when will my brother wake up."

"I don't know, it should be soon," Doc reasons.

"If he doesn't..." EvilXisuma trails off as he enters the room where Xisuma was slowly attempting to sit up.

"Xisuma, don't try to stand, not yet," Doc exclaims as he sees him attempting to get up. Ex rushes up to his brother helping him back down onto his bed.

"What happened? How long was I out?" Xisuma asks in a panicked voice.

Ex inhales then starts explaining, "After Doc knocked you out your lower back started changing... when the tail grew in you wouldn't wake up."

"I think the reason you were out for so long, is your brain was changing and adjusting to what happened."

"What do you mean by adjusting?"

"Try to walk, don't concentrate on standing upright, just do what feels natural," Doc explains.

Xisuma raises an eyebrow but compiles and slowly starts to walk across the room. It wasn't too long before he sways on his feet tipping forward catching himself with his hands. Instead of standing back up Xisuma continues walking on all fours. Up until his tail decides to make itself known by twitching uncontrollably. This knocked him over causing him to flare the spikes that ran down the length of the tail out.

"Deep breath," Ex says as he carefully helps his brother off the floor and back to a chair.

"It's just overwhelming," Xisuma explains as he wraps himself in a blanket. "I can hear and smell things that I couldn't before and its confusing,"


"You feeling any better?" Ex asks as Xisuma puts his newly modified armor on.

"Much better, thank you," Xisuma answers clipping his helmet into place.

"It's time to go, everyone's gathered in Grian's base," Doc says as he enters the room shoving them outside.

"Um, do we have to use the elytra?" Xisuma asks nervously looking around.

"I've got a boat," Doc Answers helping Xisuma down into the boat. As Ex gets a second boat for him and Doc.


The meeting starts off the same as the others of this vein, Doc standing at the front and talking with Xisuma standing behind. "If you haven't guessed Xisuma was affected by the meteor. It's done far more than anything it's done so far."

Xisuma takes a cautious step forward with his odd legs and horns in full display and gives his friends a small wave with his clawed furry hands. He stands awkwardly for a moment until his tail sweeps his legs out from under him.

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