And Out Of Luck 2: Doc Did not have a fun childhood

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The following silence was deafening. Python moves back a little dragging a rather confused Jevin with him, giving Xisuma and Doc a bit of space to talk. Scar had flown off to get Ren so he could help his friend.

"Doc, what are you saying?" Xisuma asks slowly kneeling next to Doc.

Doc, still in the process of realizing what he said, freezes before relenting and explaining what had happened, "When I was little, I got captured and was taken away from my home. I had wondered just a little too far and paid the price. The people who took me did horrible experiments, they reconstructed my body, spliced my DNA with human DNA, took my arm and eye, replacing them with metal. The worst thing they did was put a circuit board in my head that makes me think like a human,"

Python carefully makes his way towards Doc, and hugs him, as Xisuma sits a bit stunned.

"What do you mean, Think like a human?" Jevin questions as he guides everyone into his house for some privacy.

"That probably was poor word choice," Doc chuckles weakly, "It, I don't know. Gave me a brain boost? But whatever they did it got rid of survival instincts. So when I managed to escape I almost died..." Doc trails off, then picks back up, "I wasn't recognized as a creeper and they saw me as a threat, I think you can guess what happened."

The group sits in silence for a few minutes until Python speaks, "You said you were captured as a little kid right? What if the meteors trying to fix what they did to you,"

Jevin's eyes widen, "Like fix his instincts?"

Python nods as he stretches out in front of the fireplace flicking his tongue out tasting the air, then looks towards Xisuma who despite his now rather menacing appearance looks absolutely shocked. His tail had stopped moving and was laying on the floor, and his eyes were wide as he decides what to do.

"Doc, if it's alright with you I want you to stay on the main island for now. At least until we figure out what's happening to you," Xisuma says in a way that was less request and more of a command.

"Understandable," Doc answers as he stares at the fire slowly leaning closer to its brilliant warmth.

A knock at the door sounds a few minutes later and brought all four people inside out of their thoughts. A slightly upset Scar and a decidedly confused Ren are at the door.

"Sorry Scar," Jevin says as he opens the door stifling laughter, "I thought X would tell you we moved."

Xisuma flicks his tail in mock offense, "Don't drag me into this,"

After a few tense moments, Scar waves it off. "What did you figure out?"

An intense staring contest with the fire later Doc finally looks up and tries to explain, "We think the meteor is trying to turn me back into a creeper. It's giving me different instincts and it made my tail grow back,"

"That's unfortunately what's most likely happening... Does instinct have anything to do with the fact that you're leaning almost into the fire," Scar deadpans as Ren rushes forward pulling Doc back a bit. Python looking up from his spot on the floor at Doc. His eyes narrow as he slowly comes to a realization.

Doc looking rather shook, slowly nods, "Yes, I think so. Didn't even notice I was doing that honestly."

Xisuma explains everything that had happened so far to Ren, who by that point was rather worried for Doc.


"How are you doing?" Ren asks as he sits down next to Doc. After they had left Jevin's house, Ren, and Doc had made their way to the fantasy district and Ren's palace. It had taken a bit off convincing to get Xisuma to allow Doc to go anywhere, but Ren was able to convince Xisuma.

"Not good," Doc says curling up as small as possible, head almost reaching his feet.

"Care to elaborate?" Ren says rolling his eyes.


"I won't push, but I'm here if you want," Ren says as he looks over at the creeper who was staring intently at the fingers on his non-robotic arm. "Oh, do you want to hear something kind of funny that happened last week?"

Doc looks up and over to Ren, sits for a moment then sits up so fast he falls off the couch, "Full moon! I completely forgot,"

"I'm taking that as a yes. Ok, so what happened was I was like half asleep when I changed and was a little confused. I somehow made my way to False's base and scared the living daylights out of her," Ren says half laughing as he helps Doc off the floor. "Man, what is up with your nails?"

After a few moments of silence, Doc answers, "Creepers have claws, the meteor is trying to get me as close to a creeper as it can so I think it's making my nails grow as fast as possible to get them that sharp again,"

"How sharp do they get?"

"Jellie claws sharp," Doc says as he pokes at the claws his little tail flicking a bit. He cracks a small smile at this remembering the number of times she had started chasing him.

"Dang, I had no idea that creepers have claws,"

"Most don't know about that, creepers are incredibly shy and, well, tend to blow up if they feel threatened,''

Ren's ears lower pressing against his head, "Is that going to affect you, are you going to blow up?"

"Ren, look at me. I know you guys, you're family, I won't be threatened. Even If I do explode I'll be back, we do respawn,"

"Ok, I'm going to get some food you want some?" Ren asks as he heads into the kitchen.

"Yeah," Doc calls back.


After Ren had left the room Doc sits looking rather confused for a few moments before slowly standing up and moving into the corner. He pulls out his communicator and opens it to the page that monitors his cybernetics. After a few long minutes, he gaps and throws the device away from himself. The screen had been opened a DNA page which showed the human DNA slowly blinking down from 70 percent.

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