Silver Dust

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Mumbo stumbles into the table at Shara and collapses into his chair; thankfully no longer a button. For once he's not only on time but a bit early.

As he sits he frowns he feels like he's forgetting something. Food, maybe... no his hunger bar is full.

Shrugging it off he leans forward and rests his head on the table.

The next thing he knows is Iskall shaking him, "Mumbo you spoon," they gasp, "You need the torch."

Shaking his head Mumbo coughs, "What?"

Iskall sighs, "come on man. Wake up a bit."

Mumbo binks, "Oh right..."

Pounding feet echo down the hall, "Sorry I'm late," Grian grins, "You ok?"

"Yeah," Mumbo grins sadly, "I just forgot..."

Flopping down in his chair Grian nods, "Scar, Doc, and Xisuma are moving the meteor... why I was late."

"It's going to area 77?" Iskall asks.


Sighing Mumbo frowns, "Well I hope nothing else happens."

Iskall and Grian nod.


"Ok, how do we want to do this?" Scar asks, "We can't mine it..." a slight grin crosses his face maybe some magic."

Xisuma steps back, "Try it."

Scar let's the vex magic wash over him as he attempts to lift the meteor. It works... for a moment before the meteor shakes and a flash runs up Scar's arm, "Owch," he yelps shaking his hands.

"You ok?" Doc asks.

"Yeah, I'm ok..." Scar whispers.

Doc sighs, "Cante we just teleport it..."

"Oh I'm such a derp..." Xisuma sighs, "Thank you."

With that the meteor disappears into a room at Area77 for more studies.

As they fly though the nether an odd look crosses Scar's face. Once they land he looks over, "Uhh, I've got a bad feeling about this... the vex are telling me that well. We're stuck with the meteor and Uh, it's not going to be good."

Xisuma frowns, "What do you mean by stuck..."

"I mean, the vex says it will follow us," Scar yelps as he backs up, "Every one of us will be affected."

Xisuma looks at Doc, "Are you 100 percent sure?"

Scar takes a breath in then let's it out, "I am."

"We should tell them," Xisuma decides, "As soon as we can."

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