And Out Of Luck 4: Aww, Cats

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Jellie pads her way into the room behind Scar, no one had noticed her entrance as there were more pressing matters at hand. The group of hermits who were discussing the meteors' effects on Doc, had asked if they could borrow the ConCorp meeting room. Cub and Scar easily agreed to let the discussion happen there.

"Doc, anything new to report?" Xisuma asks as he pulls up his admin screens taking a look at how the world would register Doc.

"No, not since the creepers didn't try and attack me,"

"All right then, so we have nothing new to add to the list. Scar, has the meteor done anything notable?" Xisuma says lowering his screens to look over at his friends.

"It's been emitting a little bit of smoke recently but other than that nothing."

"That doesn't sound good," Bdubs says shaking his head as he leans over towards his old friend.

"No, it doesn't my friend," Xisuma whispers stretching out his tail behind him.

"Do you think that it means he's going to explode?" Ren breaths ears flattening to his head and tail slowly curing up.

"I think so," Doc says meeting eyes with Xisuma, "Does re-spawn still work?"

"Why wouldn't it?" Ren asks tilting his head to the side.

"I don't know if I'm still counted as a player,"

Xisuma inhales sharply reopening the page in his administration screen. "Um, one second,"

The hermits waited in silence while X looked through his screens hurriedly scanning through, the fur on his arms sticking up on end. "Found it!" Xisuma says suddenly making everyone jump.

"Don't do that man," Doc complains after nearly jumping.

"Sorry. Ok, Doc, it's not registering you as a player but it's registering you as a tamed creeper. I might be able to do something, Let me change this section of code and..., ok tamed animals will now respawn."

"Like all of them?" Scar asks flicking his wings a bit.

"All of them, Jellie and the Jellie clones, other cats, the dogs, parrots, maybe horses," As Xisuma says her name Jellie pokes her head onto the table and pads towards him.

As Jellie starts purring and rubbing her head against Xisuma's arm she sees Doc who while area 77 was under construction and in use had become her favorite napping spot and happily pads over to him rubbing her face against his arm before moving to sit on his lap. Doc freezes the moment she touches his arm, slowly looking down at the cat who is making herself comfortable.

"Doc? Are you ok?" Ren asks concerned for his friend.

Doc looks up eyes wide, he opens his mouth to say something but all he manages is a quiet fearful hiss.

Now everyone, save Doc, was on their feet. "Jellie, come here," Scar calls, "I have Jellie treats," She picks her head up staring at Scar before putting her head back down on Doc's leg.

"Doc, can you pick her up?" Bdubs says walking over to behind Doc's chair.

Looking behind him Doc carefully nods shakily picking the cat up and setting her on the table. Once she was on the table Doc quickly stands up and backs into the wall. Jellie looking rather offended that her seat had moved runs after Doc chasing him into a water elevator. She stops before she gets wet and sits in front looking rather proud at here self for driving the creeper off.

"So, do you think he kept going?" Bdubs says as the rest are frozen in mild shock, "crap, what if he kept going!"

Bdubs runs after Doc and the others follow after at a slower pace.


Doc doesn't even think before bolting to the water elevator, he just sees a way out and runs for it. Unfortunately in his terror, he had forgotten that there were Jellie clones scattered around the ConCorp grounds. He rounds a corner and sees the swarm of cats all staring at him.

Docm77 blew himself up

Just steps behind Bdubs expects to be caught in the blast but emerges unharmed. In fact, nothing around was even remotely damaged by the explosion.

Grian: RIP

ZombieCleo: oof

Cubfan135: you alright?

Docm77: I'm fine

Bdoubleo100: I got your stuff.

Docm77: Thank you, how much stuff got damaged?

GoodTimesWithScar: Nothing, everything is fine

Docm77: Sorry

RentheDog: you're at my base right

Docm77: yeah

"So, at least we know respawn works," Scar says as he flies up to land on Doc's head.

Doc nods.

"Are you ok?" Bdubs asks sitting down next to him, "You haven't spoken since we got back."

Doc looks at his friends for a moment before pulling out his communicator. He slowly types out a few lines of text. 'Since I re-spawned I haven't been able to talk, only hiss.' To make this clear Doc lets out a quiet mournful hiss.

Bdubs turns to look at Doc before whispering, "Is this like that one time in the jungle?"

Doc waits a few moments before nodding.

"He'll be fine,"

"How, do you know?" Ren asks shifting his weight.

"Well, last season before I disappeared, one time Doc got really scared for us and he couldn't talk for like two days," Bdubs explains rubbing the back of his head.

"So this won't last," Xisuma confirms putting a few more notes into his chart.

"It'll pass,"


As everyone leaves Doc pulls Bdubs to the side and softly hisses showing him a message on his communicator.

"Thanks for covering for you? Man, that thing was terrifying, no one expects to see a spider five times the normal size,"

At this Doc dissolves into hissing that was just hysterical laughter. This infected Bdubs and soon he was doubled over laughing.


A few days later, Doc was almost back to being able to talk again, he would still hiss at a lot of things, but he was getting a lot better and he could talk for the most part. Xisuma had deemed this a good enough time to have a full server meeting to inform them of Doc's problem. By this time most of the hermits had gathered in front of itrade, most of them confused why they were having the meeting as the sun was going down.

"Alright!" Bdubs yells getting everyone's attention. "There you go X,"

"Thank you? Anyway, let's get started. Doc has been affected by the meteor." Xisuma pauses here to let the others whisper amongst themselves for a moment. "We all know he's part creeper, the meteor has increased his creeper percentage to fifty. If you want more information ask him. We have a different topic to discuss right now. Who have we not heard from in a while? I went to visit Python yesterday and he was stuck without access to a communicator,"

The hermits discuss for a few minutes before Jevin speaks up, "Nobody has seen Wels in a few weeks,"

"Tomorrow morning go look for him," Ex speaks up, as everyone tries to get up and find him at once. "If you don't sleep now hostile mobs will spawn, and that can put him in more danger,"

"He's right, go find him tomorrow," Doc speaks up, holding his trident slung over his shoulders. 

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