How Three Became One 5: Am I a monster?

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As the weeks pass Avar starts to drift away, he becomes cold and cut off. Apparently killing that thing had given him some kind of magic...

"Avar, are you alright?" Menko asks softly.

"I'm fine," he snaps back.

Menko sighs, "alright," and leaves.

Slumping down against the door Avar silently sobs, he feels horrible about doing this. But he knows what the magic he holds can do. He can't risk hurting them.

Looking out the window he makes a decision.

"I'm leaving," He says coldly, "Don't follow me."

"What," Creed snorts, "wait really?"


Menko looks over, "Why."

Avar squirms uncomfortably, "Because I can."

"You're scared," Menko whispers, "Please just let us help you, let me help you."

Turning away Avar starts for the door, "I'm sorry."

"Please stay," Menko reaches out, "We can fix this together."

Avar brushes his hand away, "Stop."

The moment they make contact Menko pales and stumbles back. Aver bolts out the door and runs as far as he can.

"Are you ok?" Creed asks as she crouches next to him.

Menko shakes his head, "I'm ok, i-i just can't feel... I don't have magic..."

The other two blink haarshy, "He took you magic?"

"Yep," Menko sighs as he sits down.

"Are you ok?"

"I will be."

"That's not an answer," Eunoia frowns as her badger walks into the room.

Menko frowns, "I lived without magic for most of my life, I can do it again."


Aver sits in the dark as he thinks, resentment and misplaced anger have bottled up too far and have finally manifested.

Standing up he looks up and disappears. Flames start to crackle around him and he grins.

"My champion?" Vex asks softly, "What is happening?"

"Lady Of Lies," Avar spits, "You failed to warn me of just what could happen."

"I can not tell you everything," Vex whispers.

"Lies," He snaps, "You have fooled me before and I won't stand for it again."

Vex snaps and the fire disappears, "I think you should rethink your choice."

"I know what i'm doing," Aver snarls. Vex is consumed by a wall of fire.

She pushes back. The fight continues, until Vex stumbles and Aver is swallowed by the earth.

"Vex," Nether calls, "End, try to help her. I'll deal with him."

Nether frowns down at Avar, "You fool, you dare to touch her."

Avar backs away but freezes as rock starts to encase him. Raising his hands he screams a spell. A crack fills the air as player magic is taken from the world.

The spell is held until Avar is completely encased in rock. Nether brings him up to the main area and freezes when End is staring down at the spot where Vex was laying.

"Is she?..."

The bold colors drain from it's outfit, "She's gone," Void mutters.

Nethers form melts into magma and Void walks over to the rock and mutters a spell over it, "There, it's done."

"What did you do?"

"He's trapped in her hall, he can never leave."

Together they use a spell and the rock is gone, "It'll be a thousand years before he finds a world."

"Hello advenchers," Nether mutters sadly, "Only sorrow and destruction follow your friend."

"Did they?" Creed trails off, "Destroy each other?"

Void nods, "That they did child, your friend saw it fit to destroy the source of his problems.''

Menko looks to the ground and silently sobs, Nether walks over and sits next to him. The two gods and three mortals stand in respectful silence.

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