How Three Became One 6: Shattering

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"Wait, Void?" Impulse murmurs, "I think he's been talking to me."

Xisuma flicks his tail nervously, "I think it's been talking to me when I go to the end."

Max nods, "It is rather talkative."

"What happened to the nether?" Mumbo asks before he gasps, "Wait didn't, Aver, say something about my body being made by someone and got really mad when Doc fixed it."

The hermits murmur as they all start drawing connections with parts of the transformations.

"As for what happened to nether," Max sighs softly.


After Vex fell and crumbled into dust, Nether returned to his domain as did Void. Mushrooms start to grow in the nether, a memory for her.

The watchers looked at the world that was falling to ash and started the process of sending word that a new world would soon be made.

They start the spell and after many tries, they create a new world.

Watching as the people start to forget the old gods, Nether falls asleep. His sister is gone and with no way to find his older sibling, it's the best thing to do. His friends, his advisers are gone. Their magic drained and forced into human bodies.

Once players were brave enough they made their way down to the nether.

The woods are destroyed. The Phoenix hunted to their extinction. Nether wakes up for a moment and draws all of the wonders of his land to him. Leaving only a red wasteland behind.


The hermits sit in silence.

Tango's the first to talk, "Oh... is that why I like the new trees so much?"


"When the update hit, I was drawn to the trees. They felt right."

Max nods, "You're lucky Avar didn't give you more phoenix traits."


"Hmm, oh nothing," Max hums.

Tango squints before shrugging it off.

"What happened to End or Void?" Xisuma asks as he rubs his horns on Exy's shoulder.

"That one is interesting," Max nods.


When Vex fell and the magic was stolen from the world. The end shattered. What was once a whole flourishing land became a desolate wasteland.

Some of the inhabitants adjusted. They grew used to the growing void. Then Void drifted away, the world continued without its guidance.

Then the players came. The Void Rays hunted and killed for their wings. The Drakes hunted down and destroyed.

The void was aware of everything that had happened but couldn't do anything to stop it.


Stress frowns, "That's horrible."

"It was," Max answers softly.

Joe frowns, "What happened to the eldritch beings?"

"The magic left so they were stuck in the forms of humans. I don't think any are left."


After a thousand years, a form in a desolate world starts to awake.

Next to be effected is hels, he'll be a Griffin so if you have anything you wan to see with that im open.  

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