Feline Fearless

322 20 64

AvarV: bring me Hbomb

RenTheDog: Really, now?

AvarV: Yes

DocM77: we'll go get him.

CubFan135: I can go get him.

Doc looks over at Ren, "You want to come with us?"

Pinning his ears back to his head Ren nods softly, "Yeah.


"So, I was called over," Hbomb laughs nervously, rubbing the back of his head. He's met up with four of the hermits as they come to get him. They are explaining what could happen in the back of a cafe near the Hermitcraft private hub; it's not only for hermitcraft as they share with empires and legacy.

Iskall nods, "Yep, uh shouldn't be too bad."

Hbomb frowns slightly, "What would count as bad?"

Flicking his ears Ren sighs, "Well depends on the person, mine, I don't count as too bad. I mean the cybernetics kinda suck but that's not the meteor and being a werewolf is pretty good."

Doc nods, "I'm just a lot more creeper-like, not that much of a difference."

"I'm part slime, and it's weird but I don't get many problems," Iskall shrugs.

"Mines just basically made me a lion," Cub grins showing off his fangs, "It's pretty cool."

Hbomb nods, "You being younger... that part's a glitch right."

Cub nods, "Regen tried to match my ages..."

"I don't think I want to know, but what?"

Laughing Cub makes a soft chuffing sound. He shifts down into his lion form and peaks his head over the table top.

"Oh, that is adorable," Hbomb gushes, slowly reaching a hand over to him.

Iskall gives Cub a boost up onto the table top. Carefully padding over to Hbomb, Cub bops him with his nose.

"How come I never saw this at MCC?" Hbomb asks softly as he scratches behind the lion cub's ears.

Ren answers for Cub, "He's not the biggest fan of being a really young lion... so he doesn't really shift around others if he can avoid it."

"Oh," Hbomb looks down at Cub who's wandered over to Ren. Ren picks him up and sets him on the floor to turn back.

"Yeah," Cub fixes the lapel of his lab coat, "I did shift a few times during MCC," Cub laughs, "Having Ren there was a big help."

Ren grins, "I'm so fluffy no one even though I had Cub with me."

Laughing Hbomb nods, "Are we good to go?"

Doc and Iskall nod, "Yeah."

As they walk down to the server entrances Iskall takes a moment to explain some stuff they have set up for him, "So we made you a little house in the spawn village, you can go where you want, you already know the basic rules."


As they warp into the spawn egg, Hbomb feels something wash over him. It's weird, almost tingly. Standing up he shakes the feeling off.

"Hello," Xisuma waves, "Uh, welcome to hermitcraft. I know it's not the best circumstance.'

Hbomb nods, "It sucks but at least it's good to see some friends when you're being threatened by a melodramatic oversized pebble."

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