Checking up and Checking in

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Stretching out to his full length Python hisses happily. He's recently decided to return to his private world and is happy with his decision. Multiplayer servers are fun but stressful. Especially after the last two.

Hermitcraft had started out well but, the meteor... he's now more snake-like then ever. Legacy was nice for a while then the withers started to affect things and it got to be too much.

Speaking of Legacy, he sits up and coils his tail so he doesn't smack his head. He needs to grab some stuff from the server. He left some things that he would like to keep there and it's the day he agreed to go and get them.

He starts to make his way over to the private hub section of the Mega hub. Once he's over he waits for Lime to let him and Skizz in.

"So, Uh, I've been meaning to ask you about the meteor," Skizz asks, "And you don't have to answer if you don't want to, but, what is it like?"

"The transformation?" Python asks softly.

Skizz nods.

"I slept through most of mine but, it was like just wave after wave of exhaustion," Python shrugs, "Different for everyone you know."

Sighing, Skizz shrugs, "Yeah, I've been doing the last life stuff with the hermits and I'm scared for them... did you hear about Tango?"

"I did," Python hisses softly.

"It's just not fair... Tango can't have the same kind of fun with death games... He sounded so scared when he almost died. But he just won't admit that it's a problem."

Python nods, "Yeah, that happens with a lot of transformations. I know I left after mine but... it's, it's a lot."

"It's hard to watch," Skizz sighs, "He should be having fun, but instead he's paranoid watching every step. It's making it worse. I don't think he even knows."

Python curls down and listens as Skizz explains.

"He spends so much time making something safe, then he forgets about something simple and dies."

"Yeah," Python hisses, "Is he not giving himself time to adjust?"

"I don't think he is," Skizz sighs, "How about you?"

"What about?"

"Are you ok?"

"With the transformation?" Python hisses, "It's been getting better, but I still have a hard time with things. I started out as a red Creeper then was fused with a human, and now I'm some snake thing... I know how to adjust my form but I don't have to like it."

Skizz nods, "I hope they can get rid of the meteor..."

"So do I," Python hisses, "No one deserves that."

The conversation trails into silence here. As they wait for Lime to let them in they chat about the planned updates and how cool everything looks.

"Hey guys," Lime grins softly as he walks out of the portal, he looks absolutely exhausted, "Sorry I'm late."

"No problem man," Skizz grins, "You've got a lot going on in there."

"Yeah," Lime nods, "After the withers took logic... it's just hectic."

As they walk into the portal Python asks him something, "Did your magic get sealed?"

Lime nods, "I don't blame the other watchers, this is my world to fix, but I'm just not used to being a player..."

Skizz pats Limes shoulder, "Do you ever get the magic."

"Whenever I'm not on a player world," Lime grins sadly.

"With the withers..." Skizz murmurs as he realizes something, "Could it be possible that it's related to the problems the Hermits are having?"

Lime freezes, "What do you mean?"

"Well Impy was telling me about how the meteor butt was like an epic 'hero' dude at some point and the reason he's all evil and stuff is because of the first wither or something."

Face paling slightly Lime frowns, "Get your stuff. I need to check that."

With that the watcher flickers out of the world as he logs out where he stands.

"Ok then..." Skizz hums, "Hope I didn't break the world or anything..."

Python hisses, "Well, I can see what that could mean... I don't like it."

Skizz nods. If the withers are a result of the meteor. It's bad, so very bad.

"Skizz?" Python asks softly, "Have you fought a wither recently?"

"Yeah," Skizz nods, "Why you askin?"

"Did it feel stronger?"

"Uh, yeah, it did actually..." Skizz murmurs, "Thought it was just that I hadn't fought one in a while."

Python nods then slithers off to grab his things.

"Well, that's probably bad."


Yawing Python hisses and stretches, he's back on his private world, aptly named Python's World. Slithering up to the top of a mountain he stretches out and basks in the warm rays of sun. Content with the privacy and calmness of his world Python stretches out further and falls asleep.


Joe frowns as he looks over the meteor with Doc, "Something is definitely different."

Hissing softly the creeper nods, "Not sure what it is, the transformations after we got him in the void have been... done different."

"Almost rushed... or he's just not caring as much what the transformations look like... that would help conserve magic..." Joe trails off.

"What are you thinking?"

"He's not using the normal flair right?''

Doc nods.

"Well, there's two ways to conserve magic," Joe starts, "Hitting them all at once... and slowly adding everything bit by bit..."

"Is that not what he was doing?"

"Not really, it's more that he got one part at a time, like, uh, with Beef, he got his horns, his tail, then when the magic got built up enough he got the cow body. If he were to have done the bit by bit way, it would have been slow and much more painful," At Doc's slightly dazed expression Joe explains, "It wouldn't have knocked him out, he would have been awake, as the new flesh and bone grew. Feeling stretched. As everything grew and shifted."

"Oh... that's not good," Doc winces.

Joe nods, running a hand through his hair; he's dyed it green to match his true form more... he just picked an electric neon instead of deep emerald, "Yeah, but we can hope that he'll just use the first method, it saves more magic anyways."


TangoTek: Hey

TangoTek: Can you come over

[30 minutes later]

Skizzleman: hey didn't see this till now

Skizleman: ill be right over


TangoTek: oh no it's ok

TangoTek: i uh

TangoTek: i respawned, i thought this was impulse

TangoTek: You dont need,

TangoTek: youve logged on...

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