Look to the sky 1: The Moon Is Shining brightly

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Yeah, so I forgot to update this on here last Friday. Sorry about that.


Shaking her head as she sits up, Pearl frowns. Something feels a little off. Standing up she walks over to a mirror then shugs. Getting ready she hums to herself. Then heads out to work on the bridges. It's a relatively hot day and the sun feels unusually bright.

"Hey Pearl." Ren calls over from on top of a bridge, "How's it going."

"Hi Ren," Pearl waves back as she riptides over, "It's good. I'm getting the bridges that Grian set up all detailed so we can walk around here with it looking nice."

Nodding sagely Ren grins, "That's a good thing to get in place, We need good bridges. Especially with the full moon coming. I don't think anyone would want me to smell like a wet dog."

Choking down a laugh Pearl shakes her head, "That is less than ideal."

"It's also good for Beef," Ren muses, "It can't be fun climbing out of the river beds the entire time."

Pearl nods along, "Yeah, and I made sure the steps are a good height for every one. I saw Tango fall on the steps a few days ago, he said he was fine but needed to adjust to being that short."

"Yeah, that's gotta be rough," His ears pin down to the sides of his head, "Especially since he doesn't like getting help."

Pearl nods, "Zed was with him and he tripped himself so he also fell."

Snorting Ren rolls his eyes, "I'll see you around." He waves and accidentally knocks his glasses off from where they were perched on his head.

Waving back Pearl sets back to work detailing the Bridges. As she walks back across the one she was working on she spots Ren's sunglasses on the ground. Scoping them up she plops them on her face for safekeeping and freezes.

"Oh..." She hadn't realized just how much the light was bugging her. Well nothing to do about that now. She's got bridges to detail.


Yawing, she stretches and looks back at her work. She did well today. Using her trident to riptide over to Ren's shop she leaves the sunglasses on a chest.

Squinting in the bright sunlight Pearl walks back to her base.

It's getting a little late in the afternoon but she's absolutely exhausted. Yawing again she starts heading back to her base. Duly she wonders if she's getting sick.

Heading to bed early she falls asleep, only to wake up before dawn the next morning. Groaning, she gets up and starts working.

The cycle continues for a few days. It's too bright, falling asleep in the afternoon and getting up before the sun rises.

Then it gets worse.

The light is far too bright. It's getting harder and harder to stay awake during the day and she's becoming more active during the night. The nocturnal and Semi nocturnal hermits don't seem to mind. Or even question her presence.

Hypno asks about it at one point, Max curled around his shoulders. Pearl doesn't have a good answer for why this is happening.

As she walks away Max spreads his wings and mutters something softly to Hypno.


Finding herself drawn to the roof if Impulse's base Pearl looks up at the night sky.

Stargazing isn't something she does often. But it's nice.

It's calming, and it makes one realize just how small they are.

How there are millions of other worlds out there.

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