Xisuma Just Wants Some Peace 1: He's Back

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EvilX wasn't having a good day, he had fallen out of a weird squashed stone turtle thing, he had started to run towards Xisuma's towers mumbling under his breath about the stone turtle. When his own brother had thrown him into the void saying he'd deal with him later.

He never did, so E.X was left to himself. Weeks past and then months, until E.X decided to take matters into his own hands. He would possess Xisuma, just to try and remind him, that he was still here, waiting. From his spot in the void he could see most of what was happening in the overworld, and he knew that Xisuma wasn't being mean and letting him suffer, he had just forgotten that he had sentenced EvilX to the void.

As Ex prepared to take control of Xisuma his view of the world suddenly went dark. The last thing he saw was a meteor with red sparks heading towards his brother and. some of his friends. His preparations stopped, as the meteor seemed to be extremely magical stopping his own magic from reaching Xisuma and he would be unable to possess Xisuma without seeing him. So he remands in the void silent waiting, he was able to put himself into a sort of stasis. By changing a few settings on his helmet he slipped into a deep slumber.

"Xisuma, please wake up," Doc says as he leans over the unconscious form obscured by blankets. He was supposed to watch Xisuma while Jevin and Stress made more healing potions. They had been taking turns watching the unconscious admin, hoping that he would wake up.

This had started last week when Xisuma had been affected by the meteor, it was nighttime and Xisuma wasn't in a spot where he could sleep. After a few minutes of dodging mobs, Xisuma tripped and falls to the ground zombies converged on him when suddenly it was day. It was midday at that the zombies around him started to catch on fire and burn to death. His communicator started going off as people were wondering what had happened.

Falsesymmetry: X, did you do that?

Docm77: Yeah What was that about.

Xisuma: I'm not sure, I was getting attacked by zombies and was surrounded by them. I just wanted it to be day and it was.

Grian: Try to make it rain.

Xisuma: Ok

A few minutes later rain starts falling from the sky.

MumboJumbo: Is this the meteor?

Docm77: I think so. Xisuma meet me at the stock exchange. Also, can you make it stop raining it's going to fry my circuits.

Iskall85: You haven't done waterproofing in a while have you.

Xisuma: Got it.


"So Doc, what do you think?" Xisuma asks after Doc finished doing an examination.

"It looks like that's it, you can get commands without a block. If you notice anything else please tell me,"

"Only if you tell me what's going on with you, you've been hissing under your breath a lot more than usual and your quills keep popping up," Xisuma says with a kind smile though you can't really tell with the helmet on.

"Is nothing, I've just been stressed out a lot and that's how creepers show stress its the same with my quills," Doc says, looking into Xisuma's eyes.

"Alright, I believe you. How is Ren doing?," Xisuma says shifting the conversation.

"He's doing ok, there was a thunderstorm a few days ago and he completely flipped out False had to call me to get him out from under his bed," Doc answers fully aware of what Xisuma was doing. "Why don't you go home and call me if something else happens,"

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