Fluffy Ears And Tails 3: Exy Gets Involved

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A few days have passed since the meeting with Xisuma and nothing else has happened. No new instincts had popped up. He is eating just fine, occasionally he is eating grass. Everything was normal, well as normal as being half sheep can get.

Zedaph is heading over to Tango's base, he's walking over to check out the falling piano that Beef had made and that Tango somehow got to float. As it comes into view he grins at the sight. It's not every day you see a floating piano. He stands there for a moment staring up at the magnificent sight.

As Zedaph stands looking at the piano, Tango spots him from an upstairs window. Grinning he jumps up and rushes up to the roof. Preparing his wings he jumps, free-falling for a moment before snapping them open. He sores up into the sky before swooping down and landing next to Zedaph.

It may have been a mistake to suddenly appear right next to someone who's recently been turned into a rather skittish animal. Seeing a form appearing out of nowhere Zedaph screeches. This causes Tango to fall over startled before he bursts out laughing. As he stands up wiping tears from his eyes he turns to Zedaph and freezes, "Zedaph? Zed, where'd you go?"

"Tango? What are you talking about?" A voice comes from next to Tango, starting to laugh as he recovers from the shock.

"Zedaph?" Tango asks, turning towards the voice.


"Did you drink an invisibility potion?" Tango asks, feeling around and tapping Zedaph's shoulder.

At this Zedaph slowly starts fading back into sight. His tail is quivering nervously and his ears are flicking almost hitting his face, "No," He replies, voice shaking.

"Ok, we just gotta figure this out," Tango says, As he paces back-and-forth, his tail flicks hitting Zedaph's leg, "I'm going to call Impulse over here."

Zedaph nods as Tango ushers him inside one of the towers. Once there inside Zedaph softly bleats as he recovers from the shock of turning invisible. Impulse flies in carefully before landing before he rushes over to where Tango and Zedaph where.

Once they had explained what happened, Impulse nods, "It could just be doing because sheep are skittish and the meteor just felt like stuff needs to be more complicated."

Zedaph shrugs, "I just feel like there's something more to this like we're missing something."

Tango nods in agreement, "Yeah, something about this doesn't seem right."

Impulse nods considering something for a moment, "Do you know what triggers the invisibility?"

"I think it's some kind of fight or flight response," Tango says puffing up his wings, as he grabs some tools and starts preening them.

Impulse rolls his eyes and gets up to help Tango with his feathers. Tango grins and waves Zedaph over. He trots up his hooves making little clicking sounds as they hit the floor. Tango; Being careful not to smack Impulse in the face with his wings, pulls Zedaph onto the floor. With his tail he smacks a brush over and starts brushing out Zedaph's tail. They sit like this for a while not really talking but helping each other out and by the end Zedaph looks like a big ball of fluff.


The next day Zedaph is just finishing cleaning out the cow pen and was exiting the greenhouse when he receives a message from EvilX asking him to meet him at the town hall.

When he gets there Ex is leaning against the diamond pile. He's taken his gloves off and is picking at his nails. Once he spots Zedaph he grins, "Hello."

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