Hurting hermits 6: Sick Of Swimming

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Scratching at his scales Xb rolls out of his bed and stumbles around getting ready.

Just before he leaves to go to the shopping district he decides to jump into his pool so he won't risk drying out on the trip through the nether.

Splashing into the Guardian pond Xb freezes as the all too familiar sensation of stretching and growing hits him.

Flicking his tail he sighs and blows a stream of bubbles into the water.

Pulling himself onto the wading pad he tries to turn back and nothing happens. Freezing he ducks back underwater and swims towards his communicator. Curling up on a bean bag he sends Doc a message.

xBCrafted: Hey Doc, I'm stuck.
DocM77: I'll come over,
DocM77: give me a minute.

Scrolling through his other messages it seems people have been having problems with their transformations as well. Rolling over he wiggles his tail and looks up at the glass floor overhead.

As he waits for Doc he concentrates on turning back to human. The mer form doesn't budge.

Blowing more bubbles he swims to the surface and wiggles out of the water... if he gets dried off he might be able to turn back. It doesn't work, so he slips under the water again.

After what feels like ages Doc pads into the room.

"Hey," Xb waves.

"Hey man. What's up?"

As Xb explains he rolls out of the water.

"Well, you look the same," Doc murmurs, "You might just be stuck."

Blinking up at Doc Xb's eye fills with fear, "I don't want to be stuck."

"I know," Doc murmurs, "I know."

Tail thumping on the ground Xb lets Doc drag him over to the pool, "Here try to calm down."

Sinking onto his beanbag he clicks around on his communicator and messes around watching videos for a while. Doc sends him a link to a mermaid show, which is really cheesy but entertaining. They have different powers and whenever they touch water they transform.

Doc sits on the edge of the platform and watches Xb, sighing he sends Xisuma a message.

DocM77: I know you're busy but, is the water arena still working?
DocM77: Xb's stuck and I don't know if he'll be able to turn back.
Xisuma: oh goodness, this is getting worse...
Xisuma: I will check that in a bit.
DocM77: what's getting worse?
Xisuma: a lot of people are like getting new bits to the transformations.
Docm77: that's not good
Xisuma: no it's not

After a few days, Xb thankfully is able to return to his human form. After a while of experimenting, they decide that he needs to shift more often.

He can't just stay in one form. He needs to swap into the mer form. Either he sleeps as a merman or is one during the weekly hermit meetings.

They find that being fully submerged in water will make him shift forms. Thankfully it doesn't take him being splashed, that would get really annoying fast. As is, it's pretty normal but he just needs to shapeshift a bit more often.

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