The First Moon

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Stretching out, Ren howls at the moon. Limping slightly on the new prosthetics he shuffles his way out of his and Doc's RV. The pull of the moon is strong, urging him to jump around and play. But... that's not going to happen. It still hurts to walk around so running is out of the question. Doc's still working on undoing the permadamege, his brother's code is a near match to his but it might take the rest of the season to properly fix.

A blur of white yips up at him happily and wags multiple tails in excitement. Ren huffs at Etho.

Jumping up at him, Etho bats at one of Ren's ears. Picking Etho up by the scruff, Ren walks off towards where Cub's starter base and farm is located. Dropping Etho as they walk over.

Scratching at the trap door over Cubs base does draw him out, "Full moon club?" He asks yawning.

Ren nods and bumps him with his nose. Scratching behind Ren's ear, Cub shrugs, "All right."

Blinking up at them Cub yawns showing off his fangs. Ren bumps Cub with his nose and they set off.


"What's this?" Pearl hums as she walks out of her flipped boat, a large brown wolf, a white fox, and a lion cub are sitting at her door, "Uh, hi guys."

Ren wags his tail.

Pearl smiles softly, "You want something?"

Shaking his head, Ren stands up and pads off. Etho and Cub follow after him.

Falling behind Cub runs to catch up with the other two, panting slightly he struggles to keep pace with the others. Crouching down, Ren gently bites down on the back of Cub's neck and picks him up.

With the young lion secured, Ren and Etho continue walking. Cub purrs happily and falls asleep.

Yawning as he rolls to his paws, Cub blinks up at Ren and Etho. They've made it into the swamp and are next to a quaint cottage. Laying down in the grass, Cub attempts to fall asleep again. Until he hears Ren growl at something then the bleat and poof of a slain animal.

Dragging the meat over Ren pushes Cub towards the food. Licking at the meat he tears a piece off and using his claws rips it into smaller bits.

Etho and Ren join in and continue eating the sheep.

By the time they are done eating Cubs sleeping again curled into a ball. Looking down at him Etho sneezes as Ren trots up to Gem's starter base. Scratching at the base of her door Ren barks.

After a few minutes she opens the door.


Ren barks again.

"Oh, hi Ren," She grins, "What can I help you with?"

Looking back at her Ren walks around the side of the house.

"Ok, i'm following you," Rounding the corner she spots a slightly pink fox rolling around in her pond and Cub. Sleeping under a bush, "Want me to bring him inside?"

Ren nods.

Scooping the sleeping lion cub into her arms, Gem sweeps inside her base. Settling Cub onto the couch she smiles, "That good?"

Ren and Etho nod as they disappear into the night.

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