Comfort is found in words and actions: Beef

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Beef huffs softly as he walks. Hooves clopping against the sandstone roads of the shopping district. Carefully he starts dismantling the record shop. When he accidentally drops a shulker he stumbles back and falls. He sits on the ground for a moment before laying his front legs down.

Frowning he stops working and just sits on the ground. His lama patterned blanket is wrapped around his back leg. Overcome by a sense of pure, wrong he takes his saddlebag off, throwing it away. It lands a few blocks away with a thump.

"Beef?" A voice gently calls, "Are you ok?"

Beef shakes his head as Joe walks up to him, "I'm ok, I just can't reach the roof."

Joe nods softly and clearly sits down near Beef, "That's not all is it?"

"No, I just can't stand this sometimes. The entire lower half of my body has been changed. I have to do everything differently."

Gently taking his hand Joe shakes his head, "Can you explain a bit more?"

Nodding Beef starts talking, "You know how Zedaph herds, I sorta do it as well. It's nowhere near as bad as Zed's but I get really lonely."

Joe winces slightly.

"It's not that bad, I've really gotten used to everything."

"Does anyone else know?"

"Doc does, he figured it out when I started following him around. Etho might know."

"Thank you for telling me."

Beef nods, "I don't know how I feel about this, I can barely walk when the ground isn't flat. Keralis broke our 'argument', I'm really grateful for all the horse blankets and everything but It makes me think about just how bad everything is."

Nodding as Beef continues, Joe leans forwards.

"I'm a freaking cow, I can't stand it sometimes. It just feels so bad sometimes. Walking's just weird having to move two legs at once..."

"You don't like people touching your back, do you?"

"I hate it, sometimes. It's ok if I know what someone is doing but I don't like getting startled," Beef looks over, "Joe, I almost kicked Bdubs."

Joe winces and looks up at him, "Are you ok?"

"I almost kicked him, that could have really hurt him."

"But you didn't, you stopped before he got hurt. Even if he did get hurt, he wouldn't hold it against you."

"I know," By this point, Beef has relaxed enough for Joe to help get his hoove untangled. Thankfully this goes without any problems. As he stands he rubs his back against the rock wall.

"Are you ok?" Joe asks, a bit concerned.

"It's fine, I just rub up against stuff a lot. As long as I don't try to do it with my horns it's fine," as he explains as he flicks his ear; after the incident where the meteor turned them fully into animals, he had gotten an ear tag. Just in case something happens again. The tag itself is a light blue with a small silver plate with the server info on it.

Joe nods as he picks Beefs saddle bag up, handing it to him, "Do you want any help?"

Beef nods and the pair start taking the building down.

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