Oh, How The Time Flies

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Mumbo blinks his eyes open and freezes when his internal clock kicks in. It's been two years to the day...

He hasn't been human for two years now... taking an artificial deep breath, his eyes turn a solid blue. It's not often that his robotic form feels wrong. But he misses being human. It's not like there was an accident or anything to cause this.

Clearing his head Mumbo grumbles slightly and makes his way down to Doc's base. There's sand in one of his joints and he... he needs help to get it out.

As he shows up at the RV Ren greets him with a wide grin, "Hey dude, The Doctor monster's all ready for you."

"Thanks Man," Mumbo grins to Ren.

"No problem," Ren sniffs at Mumbo a bit then frowns, squinting at his eyes, "Everything ok?"

Mumbo tenses up then shakes his head softly, "I don't know..." He sighs, "I just... robot..." He looks down at his metal hands.

Ren brings Mumbo in for a hug, "I feel you bro."

"Ren, where... oh," Doc hisses softly as he spots them, "Oh well, they'll come in when they're ready."


Listening to Hypno talk Xb slumps down in his pool. Fanning his fins out he nods idly.

"Are you even listening to me?" Hypno sighs poking at Xb's head.

"Sorry, what did you say?" Xb shakes his head.

Kneeling down to meet Xb's eye Hypno smiles, "You ok?"

"Yeah, just thinking," Xb murmurs, flicking his tail out of the water, "The whole giant merman thing. It's kinda throwing me off. I don't hate it, but I miss being normal..."


Joe hums to himself. There has to be a way to undo the Meteor's curse... He's no longer a vampire... so there must be a way. Unless of course he's not a vampire because his internal magic completely overpowered the meteors

"Choices, choices," Joe hums to himself.

"What choices?" Cleo asks slowly.

Joe hops down from The castle's roof and grins at Cleo, "The choices of what I can do about the meteor... I don't know how much power I would have against his magic."

Cleo looks down at her wooden frame, "Like seeing if you can reverse the transformations?"

"Something like that," Joe grins, twisting his head to the side.

"Can you?" Cleo asks, narrowing her eyes.

"Maybe," Joe shrugs, "I won't test it until I know it won't make it worse."

"Fair," Cleo shrugs, "I miss being a Zombie. Don't miss being human, but I liked being a zombie..."


Grinning False digs out the area under her base.

It's going to look amazing, and she's working with some other hermits so it's going even faster. Her shape shifting is pretty handy as well.

Creepers don't attack deer... so that's useful.


TFC sits down across from Cub. They've both ended up in the spawn egg for separate reasons, but sitting in companionable silence isn't bad.

"How are you?" Cub asks.

"Eh, been better, but I've been worse," TFC shrugs, "nothing too much has changed.

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