Comfort Is found In Words And Actions- Etho

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Etho grins as his tails puff themselves up, they reflect his emotions and it's pretty entertaining to watch. Sometimes it's more of a hindrance and the others can always tell how he's feeling.

Shaking the negative thoughts away Etho continues work on the monstrosity, his fox Side Kit following him around. Ever since his transformation, the small fox has been following him and occasionally helping him.

The others have been annoyed many times by the pair. Etho pranking someone before running off in fox form and Side Kit would stick around. The hermits chasing him around until the hermits realize that it's not Etho.

Smiling faintly at the memories Etho yawns.

"Long day?" A voice asks from behind.

"Huh, oh, hey Joe," Etho waves, "Yeah it's taking a while to make this," He gestures to the massive hole in the ground.

Joe grins, "I'd bet, this is amazing."

Etho gickers softly, "Thanks."

"Not a problem, uh, do you need some help? Your tails are all dirty."

"Yeah, I have to brush all the big clumps out."

Smiling softly Joe grabs his ender chest and pulls out some dog brushes, "Come over here and we can get started."

Under his mask Etho frowns, his tails tucking close to his body. He's really thankful for Joe offering to help but, it's still a bit off-putting. People touching his tail always makes him feel weird.

"Etho? If you don't want me to do this I can leave," Joe explains and Etho sits down.

"It's not that, I do want your help. It just still feels weird when anyone else is touching them. Not in a bad way but, different."

Joe nods in understanding as Etho gently pushes a brush back into his hand. They sit in silence for a few minutes.

"Is it bad that I sometimes regret coming back?"

"No, when we discussed inviting you back we never considered that the meteor would follow us to the new world."

"You guys wouldn't have hurt us willingly," Etho murmurs.

Joe sighs, "I'm so sorry that we put you into this position. We should have made a test world before moving on."

"Don't blame yourself, you didn't know. You gave us a fair warning. You didn't really get into detail about what happened but we knew that you had been changed."

Briefly pulling Etho into a hug Joe smiles sadly, "Thank you."

Etho flicks his tails back, "You know, all this floof on my tail. It's a blessing and a curse."

"How so?" Joe smirks as he continues brushing the dirt out from Etho's tails.

"Well, they're fun to prank people with, and they're pretty warm, but they're a pain to clean and I keep tripping over them," Etho rolls his eyes as he finishes talking.

Laughing Joe shakes his head, "That sounds like quite the conflict."

"Oh, it is and I've gotten tangled in them a few times. I honestly don't know how I completely missed the fact that my ears changed."

Joe stifles a laugh as the tail he's working on flicks him.

"I don't know how I missed that. It's got a very different texture, they're really soft."

Etho sighs as Joe looks up, "What's bugging you?"

"I can't always control what form I'm in... I just randomly poof into the Fox form."

"You want more control of your form?" Joe asks and at his tentative nod he continues, "More control will come with time, you haven't been affected for a month yet. Give it a bit of time."

"Yeah, I just want to be normal again. Jumping at Redstone ticks when they startle me isn't much fun."

Joe shakes his head, "I'm sorry we didn't warn you well enough."

"No. It's not your fault you didn't know that he would follow you all the way here. And what's happened is over, it can't be changed. No matter what we do this is life and we just have to keep pushing through the hard things."

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