Chibi Dubs

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With a loud bang the Creeper explodes sending the big eyed trio sprawling.

BdoubleO100 was blown up by a creeper.

TangoTek: ha

TangoTek: I got your stuff

Sitting up Bdubs groans, that was a pretty nasty respawn. Looking down he screams.

BdoubleO100: Glicj

BdoubleO100: help

TangoTek: Omw

Keralis: Well bee there soon

BdoubleO100: tango's contagious

DocM77: WHat

VintageBeef: oh no

EthosLab: oh snappers

Opening the door to Bdubs' base Keralis and Tango run up the stairs.

Bdubs has wrapped himself in his blanket and is looking blankly at the floor.

"Hey," Tango sits beside him.

"Hi..." he looks up.

"I know it's scary and weird but you'll be ok... Xisuma's working on undoing the glitch," Tango explains gently rubbing his back.

"How do you do this?" Bdubs frowns as he huddles into tango's side.

Lifting him onto his lap Tango sighs, "The others help."

Nodding slightly, Bdubs wiggles, "so uh clothes?"

"Oh," Tango nods, handing him over to Keralis. Digging in his ender chest he pulls out his clothes box and hands Bdubs a top and shorts, "The shirts have wing holes... Do you want some help?"

"No I got it..." Bdubs grumbles as he gets more and more stuck in the shirt, "I might need a little help..."

Softly shaking his head, Tango helps Bdubs find the arm holes, "There you go."

"Thanks," Bdubs flicks his tail and sighs.

A knock comes from the door.

Keralis stands up and looks at Bdubs who nods.

"Hey Doc," Bdubs waves, Tango sets him on the ground as he scampers over.

Smacking into the Creeper's leg Bdubs looks up at the towering form.

Gently Doc kneels down, "How are you feeling?"

"What do you mean by that?"

Doc hisses gently, "Do you feel more like you shrunk or like a kid?"

Tango nods, "I normally just feel like I shrunk, but you could feel different."

"I don't know?" Bdubs shrugs, "I can't tell."

"That's ok," Doc murmurs.

Shaking his head, Bdubs looks down, "I feel so small."

"Yeah?" Doc murmurs, shooting Tango a panicked look.

Tango sighs, "Ok give me a minute."

The other three are shooed out of the room.

TangoTek fell into the void

DocM77: I got him

A moment later the door is opened and a slightly annoyed Tango walks out. Spotting Tango, Bdubs grins and runs up to him.

Tango grins slightly.

"Ok you two," Doc hisses happily, "Let's go to the spawn egg to make sure he's ok."


As they both sit in the spawn egg, Bdubs kicks his feet gently.

Walking in Xisuma spots them sitting side by side, "You two are adorable."

"Hey," Tango calls over, "We're not that cute."

Nodding Xisuma continues on, "I can't remove the glitch now, but it can be removed in a day or two."

Bdubs grins and leans back, "That's good."


Walking into Tango's base with Doc and Etho following. Tango pulls Bdubs into his room.

"So," Bdubs rocks on his heels, "What now?"

Tango shrugs, "Not sure, whatever you want really."

"What games do you have?"

"Oh we could play the game."

"What game?"

"The game."

"Yeah, what's the game called?"

"It's called The Game."



After a few days Bdubs turns back to normal, Tango follows a few days later. Everyone is being a bit more careful not to die and respawn.

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