White Fur 3: Paw Prints

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Etho grins as he carefully picks his way over to Joe's base. He's heading over to the winery to repay him for the stolen sweet berries.

As he arrives Joe grins as he hands him a few stacks of bones, "Thanks."

"No problem, I did go a little crazy there."

Joe laughs, "You're fine, I have more berries than I know what to do with."

Grinning Etho leans against a tree, "Your fields are impressive."

"Why thank you."

The conversation continues for a while as they walk around the building. They enter the winery and sit down at a table.

The doors shutter open banging against the walls as Cleo kicks them open, "Joe, you need to see this."

With a slight screech, Joe jumps back as Etho flattens his ears against his head.

"Sorry bout that," She nods to Etho, turning to Joe she grins, "It's amazing, isn't it?" She holds out a small model of a centipede.

"Yes Cleo that's very cool," Joe laughs, "Etho, are you ok?"

"Uh, yeah. That just spooked me," He reaches up and rubs at his ears.

Cleo looks over and frowns, "What kind of stuff has happened?"

"Uh, I've got the ears, tails, fangs, and claws."

Humming softly Cleo shakes her head, "Besides that, you're a kitsune right?

Etho nods a bit confused, "Yeah."

"I mean what happened besides the physical transformation."

"Oh, I like the sweet berries, I'll make fox sounds, I can turn into a fox and I think that's it so far."

Joe raises an eyebrow, "So far?"

"Doc thinks the physical stuff is over and I'll just be getting other stuff now."

Cleo leans over and carefully pokes at his tails, "Dude, they're so fluffy."

"I know right it's really cool."

Standing Joe motions for them to follow him, "Do you want to help me with feeding the dogs?"

"Sure," Cleo says as she elbows Etho who nods hesitantly.

The three head out towards the dog park. Etho narrows his eyes as he remembers the events of a few nights before. He continues in silence occasionally jumping into the conversation. As they walk his tails curl up and he holds them close to his body.

Joe unlocks the door and they head in. Etho is expectedly cautious. As they step in a few of the dogs run up and bark. One jumps up onto Etho and attempts to lick his face.

Startled Etho backs up, his tails flicking. His brown eye glows red as a small chicken appears out of nowhere and runs through the dog park. The dogs are distracted.

"Did you do that?" Joe asks Etho who's starring confused at the chicken.

"I think I might have," Etho murmurs as he walks closer to the mystery chicken, "I don't know how I would have done this though."

Cleo grins, "You made an illusion, you are kitsune. Mythology wise they had the ability to make illusions."

"That makes sense," Etho muters turning away from the chicken, "They get more powerful the more tails they have, right?"

"Yep, the most powerful have nine tails," Joe explains as he shoos the dogs over to the food bowls.

"Good thing foxtails are mostly floof." Cloe cackles.

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