Fish out of water 2: Somethings fishy

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Xb sighs as he flicks his tail. He's been confined in Hypno's squid tank for a few days now and it's getting pretty cramped. Although he is set to move over to Xisuma's abandoned combat arena sometime soon.

The hermits have been working together to make it a nicer place to live in for a while until they can come up with a solution.

They had put a roof in and placed a floor partway in the water so if he wants he can pull himself out of the water for a while.

Footsteps sound from nearby so Xb swims up to the surface to greet the person.

It's Biffa, "Hey Xb, how's it going today?"

"I'm fine, it's just I can't move around in here," Xb softly admits.

"Well, I think you'll be happy to know you'll be moved over to Xisuma's today."

Xb smiles softly, "That's good."

"Can you move your fins for me?" Biffa asks.

Laughing Xb complies and flicks his fins, "I've got that down."

"That you do," Biffa agrees. He sits on the edge of the tank and sits with him for a few more minutes.

After a while, Xisuma walks in his tail swishing, "I come with good news. We're going to move you in a few minutes.

Xb's face breaks into a shark-toothed grin. As the others bustle around getting everything together. Xb is pulled out of the water and Impulse inspects his scales and fins one last time.

After a few minutes, Xisuma takes his hand and they disappear to the jungle. They land with a soft splash on a shallow ledge. Xb chitters softly as he looks around.

The area looks nice and has lots of water plants. Flicking his tail in the water Xb talks with Xisuma as the others show up.

"Ok, Xb can you roll into the big pool?" Xisuma asks as Xb slinks partway under the water.

He nods and rolls off the platform and grips the edge. He flicks his tail and gently ducks under the water.

As he lets go he sinks under the water. It's the first time he's been fully submerged without any sort of panic or being squashed. It's really nice actually.

Nothing but the calm water encasing him. Xisuma nods and Xb lets go of the ledge. He flicks his tail experimentally and accidentally rolls over.

Squinting his eye he flicks his tail again with the same result. He stops and takes a moment to feel the water, "Right, fins," He murmurs to himself.

This time when he flicks his tail he moves forwards. Grinning he swims forward. When he reaches the wall of the arena he tucks his fins in as he flicks his tail and turns. Deciding to try something a bit more intense he kicks hard as he swims back.

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