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TangoTek was slain by a zombie

Keralis1: where are you

TangoTek: starter base

Keralis1: i'll be there in a moment

Once Kerails shows up Tango grins up at him.

"How are you doing?" Keralis asks.

"Pretty good... zombie respawns are always rough," Tango shrugs.

"Do you want me to stick around tonight?"

Shaking his head Tango gives a small smile, "I'll be ok."

"Ok," Keralis nods, "Let me know if you change your mind.

"Will do," Tango nods.

Buzzing his wings Keralis smiles softly and ruffles Tango's hair, "I'll see you later."

"Bye," Tango waves as he curls into the couch.

The door closes and Tango's left alone. It's a nice peaceful sort of alone.


After a few hours Tango eats his dinner and heads to sleep.

Bolting upright Tango whimpers and topples out of the bed. Snagging Perry and Steggy he runs out the door and heads towards Bdubs' base.

Most of the way is well lit, but under the cover of trees monsters can spawn. A creeper hisses sharply, jumping Tango runs not noticing the dropped stuffed animals.

Slamming into Bdubs' door Tango flings it open and slams it closed. Shuddering he slides down the door and hugs his knees.

"Tango?" Bdubs asks as he walks down the stairs, "that yo- oh what happened?"

Looking up at him Tango just brakes and tears start streaming down his face. Wordlessly Bdubs scoops Tango into his arms, wrapping him in his wings.

Sniffing Tango huddles into his chest.

"What happened?"

Blushing Tango shudders, "Bad dream..."

"Oh," Bdubs shifts him over to look at him, "You want to talk about it?"

Shaking his head slightly Tango gasps, "I dropped them..."

"Oh, your plushies?"


Putting him down on the couch Bdubs gives him a quick smile, "I'll get them, wait here."

Sinking into the soft couch Tango pulls a throw blanket up and curls into it. He doesn't even realize he's started crying again until Bdubs gently brushes a tear off his cheek.

"What happened?"

"I hate this," Tango grumbles, "I'm scared of nothing, for no reason."

"I know," Bdubs murmurs, "It's not fair, but you have to deal with this. We'll be here for you whatever happens."

Latching onto his side Tango shudders, "I'm sorry."

"It's ok," Bdubs murmurs as he gently hums, "it's ok."

Soon after Tango falls back asleep and Bdubs caires him up the stairs and tucks him into bed.

They don't mention what happened. But they do make a tunnel in between their bases for safe travel at night.

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