Updating Worlds 2: Moon's falling

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A bang fills the air as smoke rises from the chicken coop.

"Doc what did you do?" Ren growls, the growl directed at a chicken not Doc, "I know you didn't like it but really?"

"It's not me man," Doc shrugs, "I wouldn't touch it."

Running over to the demolished coop Ren swings the door open and instantly shifts down into his wolf form, growling at the rock smoldering at the bottom of the crater.

Doc spots it a moment later and ignites. Taking a few deep breaths he stops pulsing and just hisses at the meteor laying in the chicken coop.

A few hours the server is in chaos.

Everyone has heard that a new meteor has hit the server and that is a cause for panic. The big moon's for the update. The moon chunk hitting the server, definitely not planned.


Claws skidding across the ground Xisuma bumps the door to the meteor room open.

"This wasn't you right?" He asks.

Avars voice crackles In his ear, "Me? No. This is due to your messing with the moon."

"Oh," Xisuma sighs, "I'll go stop them from breaking the world then."

"I'm enjoying this," Avar calls back, "You never scream or panic for me."

"That's what you want. So we do our best to not give you that."


"Void," Impulse calls out, his eyes turning black with stars speckled though.

Hello my child, what is the source of your panic?

"Another meteor hit the server, we can't tell..."

It is a rock child, it possesses no threat... unless it hits you. I hear that's bad for mortals.

Impulse laughs, "I was being a little dumb there wasn't I."

No child, for what you have experienced it's a wonder that you guys didn't just leave.


"Ren, Doc," Xisuma sighs, "Stop making a cult, it's a rock."

"It speaks to me," Ren barks.

"It's a chunk of the moon. You're a werewolf, it's messing with your head."


"Yeah, that makes sense..." Doc hisses, "Let us know when people are done panicking, then we'll continue with the cult."


Impulse looks at the structure that Mumbo is building, "You know it was just a moon chunk right?"

"Affirmative," The robot nods.


"Tango, what's wrong?" Xisuma sighs, bumping the teen with his horns.

"It's going to make everything worse."

"Tango, it's just a moon rock."

"Yeah, a moon rock that's going to kill us. Don't be so optimistic."

"Come on," Xisuma huffs, "You'll be fine. It's a rock. It can't hurt you."

"But what if it does?"

That shuts Xisuma up, "oh... do you want to go off world until this gets sorted out?"

"No, I have to stay."

Xisuma sighs, "Just Promise me you'll tell us if it gets to be to much."


Eventually Xisuma calls a server meeting. Once everyone is gathered he starts.

"You guys are scared of a rock... An actual, literal rock. Not a magic rock. Its just," He knocks on the moon rock, "A normal space rock, please stop making apocalypse shelters and cults out of panic."

"Can we keep making them for fun?"


"Are you sure it won't change us anymore?"

"Positive," Xisuma nods, it takes about half an hour of him and Impulse explaining to convince all the hermits that it's just a rock.


False and Gem make a bunker together, Keralis makes a space station. Hypno and Xb make a bunker.

Doc and Ren make a cult, centered around this Moonrock as a part of... whatever they decided to do this season. Mumbo makes a separate cult that ends up just pranking everyone into not sleeping for a week.

The panic is over, but chaos still influences the server.


I hope you enjoyed

merry Christmas <3
And happy holidays

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