Agitated instincts 4: Meteor Gets Wrecked

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It's been days since the meteor had fully transformed the affected hermits. For the most part, the hermits were doing alright considering the situation they found themselves in. It wasn't too unusual to see a few hermits, both affected and not, hanging around each other at their bases or the shopping district. However, what was strange was the ever-present robot following a few feet behind any given hermit.

Mumbo would never be far behind a hermit, standing at attention with his arms folded neatly behind his back awaiting instruction. To many of the hermits, it was unnerving to see the Redstone so quiet and placid.

Joe begins his day, as he had for these last few, rising with the sun to check up on the hermits. He had already checked in on a few hermits when he was passing through the shopping district, but then he runs into something nearly knocking himself over only to have quickly been grabbed by a metal arm.

"My apologies Mr. Joseph Hills," Mumbo says, pulling Joe to an upright position, "It appears that I was in your way."

"Thank you Mumbo," Joe replies, glancing at his communicator then back to the robot, "Why are you all alone?"

"It would seem that no one is in need of my services so I moved to a location where I would not be in the way of any of the hermits," Mumbo explains, "Clearly I was obscuring your way, Mr. Hills."

"Oh no, you weren't in my way Mumbo, I just wasn't lookin' where I was going. There's no reason to apologize," Joe brushes off.

"Well, I shall let you continue you on with your duties," Mumbo says, returning to his still standing position. Joe starts to walk away when he stops in his pace.

Joe turns towards the robot, "Mumbo would you like to come with me while I make my rounds on the server?" The robot moves from his position in the shop district and begins to trail after Joe. Joe continues his normal walking speed, checking his notebook for reminders he needed to check on before glancing behind him. Mumbo remained five feet behind Joe. He stops walking waiting for the robot to catch up with him, but Mumbo stops five feet away for Joe.

"Do you require assistance with something Mr. Hills," Mambo asks. Joe cringes at the formality, he was used to the younger hermit's casual greetings that the Mr.'s and Miss.'s he addressed everyone by was unnerving as best.

"You can walk with me Mumbo. You don't need to keep your distance," Joe assures.

Mumbo comes forward to Joe's position. Now joined by Mumbo at his side he continued on his obligations. They check up on all affected hermits throughout the day and even manage to make it to the End to check up on Xisuma and Exy. Throughout the day Mumbo offers to carry almost anything that Joe encounters or rattles any information that Joe might have needed with unfounded ease.

Exhausted by the day's work Joe returns to the winery drained of all energy with Mumbo in tow. Joe felt wrong leaving the robot hermit alone in the shopping district after he had finished his rounds so he took Mumbo with him home. The pair enter into the mansion, Joe dropping his supplies into a random chest and Mumbo simply standing in the doorway.

"I'm going to get some food and a nap, if you would care to join Mumbo," Joe offers, gesturing towards a guest room.

"I do not require sustenance or sleep," Mumbo states blankly.

Joe raises an eyebrow at this, "Recharge?"

"Question not understood, please elaborate?"

"Don't you need to regain your energy, like refilling your batteries?" Joe questions.

"I have no need, I am powered by Redstone there is no need to 'recharge' as you say. If I am not in service, I power down till I am needed," the robot explains.

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