The Heart Of All Creation: Chapter 3: Won't Be Laughing Another Day

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"No? Give me one reason to spare him." He glares at the dimensions. "You ruined my life. Why shouldn't I ruin his?"

"Because, you are not evil." Vex stomps her heel on the ground.

Avar pulls a knife out and holds it to Tango's throat, "Am I? I am not a good person, My Lady Of Lies." His eyes flash as black starts creeping over his irises.

Tango swallows and keeps as still as he possibly can.

"But you could be."

"It's far too late for that." Turning to the hermits he grins, "Maybe this will finally make you scream."

"Don't do this," Nether reaches out slowly, "Let him go, you don't know what could happen to him."

"I don't know?" Avar scoffs, placing a hand to his chest., "Please I know full well what i'm doing. Maybe with some luck he'll remember who you are." There's a tiny waver in his voice indicating that he's not one hundred percent sure of what would happen if he killed Tango.

With that he slits Tango's throat and shoves him back towards the hermits.

"Tango," Impulse crashes to his knees as he grabs Tango's hand, Zedaph bleets and rushes over to join the.

Spluttering on his own blood, Tango mouths something to them. Then dissolves into code.

A pop later and he's respawned, "Was that really your plan?"

"It was not, little birdy."

Tango jumps off the bed, trying to run for the safety of Nether. he's closest to the bed.

Avar catches him around the waist, "Ahh Uh. We can't have you escaping quite yet."

"Stop." Void roars, rising to it's full size, towering over the hermits. Most barely hitting its ankle as it grows as tall as the obsidian pillars in its dimension. "We offered you redemption."

"And I don't, I can't want it!" Avar yells back, "I was trapped for a thousand years. You had the luxury of being unconscious. All I had was myself. I've done horrible things to all of you."

Xisuma stalks forward growling, "Don't get us wrong, we absolutely hate you for this, nothing you can do will fix that. But you can end this now."

"You're sorry." Gem speaks up, "We can all see that. Please, we can work this out. You don't have to be the bad guy."

Avar squeezes Tango, yelping he claws at the hands holding him.

"Maybe I deserve this." Avar mutters to himself. "I know what I'm doing is wrong. I realized the moment I started changing you. But it feels so good. Getting revenge at last. Making the ven's chosen suffer for their patron's crimes. Fitting isn't it VEX?"

"Put the boy down."

Avar flicks his eyes to the cliff's edge. "Alright."

He steps forwards and lowers Tango till his feet are touching the ground.

With one hand holding tango in place he kicks the bed over, breaking it.

Tango wraps his wings around himself.

Laughing Avar pulls Tango off the ground by the back of his shirt, as Tango starts to slip out he adjusts his hold.

"You all think I can be redeemed..." Avar steps towards the cliffside.

Wels and Grian spread their wings, preparing to launch in the air.

"Well I can't." Avar holds Tango over the edge, "Ever consider that I don't deserve redemption?"

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