Well That Got A Bit Too Literal 1: This'll Be Fun

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Beef frowns as he looks over at Keralis's latest expansion, a freaking tank. Who just puts a tank right next to a popular beach?. He lets out a sigh, knowing that he was going to have to deal with Keralis at some point.

Pulling out his communicator he messages Keralis asking if they could talk.

After a few minutes, he answers asking if they can meet up in two hours.

Beef accepts this and starts cleaning up his beach as he waits for Keralis to arrive.

When Keralis arrives Beef brings him into his house and sits him down on a couch, "Keralis, it's time for a serious talk. You keep getting closer and closer to my base."

Keralis buzzes softly as he grins widely and proudly says, "Yes I do."

"Keralis this is serious, The thing with the turtle was kinda funny, but you made a tank and it's pointing at my stuff, it's not a good look for the beach."

"Ok, ok, I get it. I'll stop putting stuff in the way, but would you consider a road connecting the area?"

"Thanks. Oh, like what you and X did? Yeah, that's fine."

Keralis beams, fluttering his wings and smiles widely at Beef. The two strike up a conversation and spend a few hours talking. Beef gives Keralis a Tour around his town and Keralis shows Beef his city. The pair return to the hacienda to reiterate the agreement and go their separate ways.

A few hours after Keralis goes back to his city the alert that most have begun dread sounds. All communicators have the same alert, the meteor has activated again. By now most people who haven't been affected pair up and hang out until someone gets confirmed for being affected.

Etho sends a private message to Beef saying he's coming over in a bit.

When Etho arrives a few moments later, he notices something off with Beef's hair. It looks awfully staticy, "Your hair is sticking up."

"Thanks... I've been working with a little bit of red stone so that's probably why."

Etho shrugs in response, "Never seen it do that before."

"Meh, I'm sure it's nothing."

Etho plops his hand down on Beef's head, "I wouldn't say that if I were you, your hair it's like ridiculously soft."

Beef groans and runs a hand through his hair, "Shoot."

Etho pulls Beef inside and into the kitchen, "Well, we don't really know what's happening, so it might actually be nothing."

"I'm not so sure, this could get really bad fast."

"Ok, let's do something for a bit and see what happens after that."

The pair sit around for a few hours before they head down into Beef's basement to do some work on his farms.


A few hours of working later and nothing else has happened, Etho flat out refuses to leave until they are 100% sure that nothing is happening.

As the night grows near Beef shows Etho to the guest room and heads off to make dinner. The pair eat and then head off to sleep.

The next morning Beef wakes up, he stumbles into the bathroom and stifles a scream as he brushes his hair. A few seconds later Etho rushes over looking like he had rolled out of bed, "What happened!?"

"Um, horns?" Beef manages to squeak out. He parts his hair showing Etho where the tiny horns were starting to grow. They are on either side of his head growing right above his ears.

"I'm going to call Xisuma," Etho whispers as he runs to get his communicator.

As he does this Beef leans over, looking at the mirror with fascination gently poking at the nubs that are slowly growing outward and getting thicker.

By the time Xisuma arrives Beef's horns have finished growing, they end up being about six inches long and curve to point up. Near his head, the horns are a nice cream color that transitions to black near the tips.

Xisuma has Beef sit down on a couch and asks, "Can I touch them? I want to see how sensitive they are?"

Beef complies, letting Xisuma touch the horns, "I can't feel that much. I can feel it but not very well."

Xisuma nods as he taps his horns, "Like mine then, can't really feel them either. Does anything feel odd?"

"Um, my back hurts and my ears feel funny," Beef muses as he swats Etho's hand off his head.

Xisuma hums softly, tail flicking as he considers what's happening, "Tail probably, and your ears might do what Zedaph's did."

Beef nods understanding what Xisuma was explaining before raising his hands and clutching at his ears. Jumping up Xisuma gently takes Beef's hands away from his ears. Being mindful of his claws Xisuma inspects the ears that were swiftly being covered with light brown fur.

Over the course of an hour, Beef's ears had elongated and turned into fluffy cow ears.

Etho leans over inspecting them, "I don't know what kind of cow they're from."

Xisuma's spines quiver as he stalks around pacing, "I'll have Exy try to find out what kind of cattle. Beef, I want you to lay down, for a bit to let your body adjust to the horns and ears."

Beef nods and lets himself fall back onto the couch, "So I'm getting a tail?"

Looking up from his notes Xisuma answers, "since your back has started hurting I would assume so. Has the way it feels changed at all?"

Beef thinks for a moment before replying, "It's not hurting anymore but it feels like there's pressure getting put on my spine."

From his spot in the window Etho speaks up, "it's probably started growing then."

Xisuma nods in agreement to the ninja's statement.

At this Beef groans and shoves his head under a pillow, "Great."

Xisuma's communicator pings so he picks it up and looks at the message. Then growls and runs out on all fours. A moment later he messages Etho, "The meteor isn't only admitting particle effects but sounds now. Doc needs me to help check it out. I'll be back soon."

Etho shows the messages to Beef and frowns, "That doesn't sound good."

"It doesn't."

Etho hums, looks over at Beef and hands him a regeneration potion, "Here, you don't look too good."

"Gee, thanks,"

"You know what I meant."

By the time Xisuma returns Beef's tail has stopped growing and is a light brown, with a tuft of darker brown fur at the end, the tuft is about the same color as his hair. The tail reaches down to his ankles at the longest point. Since it is fairly thin and light it doesn't throw him off balance that much as there's not much of a balance problem.


If you can guess which type of cattle Beef is I'll give you an imaginary cookie.

Updates are probably going to slow down for the rest of summer, as I work as a counselor for a summer camp.

If you want to join the discord here it is https://discord.gg/eNCkSp4

I hope you've enjoyed  reading this and have a good day.

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