Comfort is found in words and actions: Zedaph

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Bleating Zedaph grins, his wool has been washed and is all floofy. Clicking softly against the ground Zedaph looks out at the Toon Towers. The area around his base has been changed to have more grass. A prank from Tango that didn't look too bad so it stayed.

Stumbling as something smacks against the wall, Zedaph turns invisible. Joe lands haphazardly a bit dazed from the sudden ender Pearl, "I didn't mean to do that. Sorry, Zed."

"You're fine, what brings you over here?"

"I was making a deal with TFC, I meant to use rockets but I used ender pearls."

"How?" Zedaph bleats.

"I have no clue," Joe laughs, "How are you doing?"

Zedaph locks eyes with him before answering, "I've been better."

"What's wrong?" Joe asks as he herds Zedaph back inside.

"It's just I can't stay away from people. I'm like, drawn towards you guys. I just feel so lost when I'm separated for too long."

Joe pulls the sheep into a hug, "Hey, you have everyone with you on this and if you need, nobody is going to care if you show up at their house.

"Thanks, man, I want to know what that hunk of space rock wants."

Sighing Joe sits down, "From what I can tell he's hurting very bad inside. Something happened to him and now he wants us to feel the same kind of pain he did."

"Haven't we? I mean what could he have been turned into that's worse than all of this."

"I think it's more about how we are treating each other, we still help each other, we find ways around what's happening and I don't think he had this kind of support."

"Oh, he's trying to break us," Zedaph gasps, "He wants us to fight each other."

Joe nods, "That might be why the transformations have such a huge range, Beef might envy someone like Exy for having such a relatively easy transformation. While someone like Impulse might feel guilty about having a less extreme transformation."

Zedaph's face falls as he picks at his wool, "I don't want to lose anyone because of him."

"Neither do I. The hermits are my family. I couldn't bear it if I lost you."

"Aww, thanks. Ok, happier topic time," Zedaph grins nervously.

Joe smiles, "How much work does your wool require?"

Zedaph groans, "Way too much. If it gets wet it needs to be brushed out and washed. My tail's the biggest problem. I don't know how but it picks up twice the amount of dirt."

At Zedaph's fake annoyed huff Joe laughs.

"I don't know how but it's like a dust magnet."

As the conversation continues Joe decides to bring some up, "So, you're still having your ghost problem?"

"Yeah, it's not too bad, Phasing through walls is a good way to scare people and invisibility is nice when trying to corral mobs," He grins.

Joe smiles softly before giving Zedaph a high five.

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