Metal 2: There goes the rest

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Xisuma is walking past the nether portal next to town hall when Iskall, Grian, Ren, and False are warped in from the Minecraft Championships, "How'd it go?" He asks as they regain their balance.

"We didn't win," Grian chirps slightly disappointed as he flutters up onto a wall.

"That's too bad," Xisuma frowns then seemingly remembers something important, "Iskall, Grian, can you two follow me?"

The pair look over at each other, then nod, bidding farewell to False and an exhausted-looking Ren. The full moon had unfortunately been during the championships so he didn't really have a chance to sleep during it. They follow Xisuma up the stairs to the town hall and into the room Mumbo was staying in.

Doc is crouched next to the bed and is inspecting Mumbo's leg's. He murmurs a muffled greeting and continues what he was doing.

Iskall gasps as they walk in, "What happened?"

In a similar response, Grian squawks before hopping up to Mumbo and looking at him worriedly.

Seeing that he wouldn't be able to finish his inspection Doc wraps up, nods to Xisuma, and leaves the room.

Mumbo grins slightly and gives a jerky wave, "Hi, how was the championship?"

"Mumbo. That doesn't matter what happened to you?" Grian asks, concern filling his voice.

"Um, the meteor has started affecting me and it decided that I should be a robot. It's got my arms and legs so far," Mumbo explains as he lifts his arm showing them the robotic structure.

Iskall lets a low whistle and carefully taps the arm, "That is one heck of a design. The detail work is incredible. I think it's almost comparable to Biffa's."

Mumbo laughs, "Why don't you guys tell me about what happened at the championship?"

"We lost, but we probably were the funniest group," Iskall explains then continues, "After the battle box game, it was almost night time so we all took a break. Everyone was eating dinner together when the sun went down-"

Here they dissolve into laughter and can't regain composure so Grian takes over the explanation, "The sunset and it was a full moon. We were inside so we couldn't tell what phase of the moon was in. During dinner, Ren got really hyper and jumpy so it wasn't really that much of a surprise that he shifted."

All the competitors were sitting down eating dinner. For the most part, they have stayed with their teams with only a few people sitting with others. Per usual Tommy has migrated over to the sleepy boys and is slumped over the table completely worn out from the day's games. Techno and Wilbur are stacking random things on top of his head and Philza is watching rather amused at their antics.

The hermits are gathered next to each other and are talking quietly. Over the course of the meal, Ren's tail starts wagging faster and faster as he seemingly gains energy. This naturally draws people's attention and a couple of giggles. A few minutes later Ren lets out a quiet growl.

Grian looks over Ruffling his feathers, "You good?"

"Check the moon phase," He grumbles as he rubs his jaw.

Pulling her communicator out False checks the phase, "It's going to be full tonight."

Ren leans over the table, "I'm going outside if I'm not back in an hour come looking."

The others nod and watch him leave. About thirty minutes later one of the admins darts inside looking completely frazzled, "Did anyone bring a dog?" He asks clearly panicking

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