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Grinning to herself Pearl hums and pulls out a stack of name tags out, "I wonder if I could flip them?"

If mobs could be flipped with a dinnerbone name tag what's to say mob like players can't be flipped.

Grian's her first target. Since he's currently flying around boatem.

Wandering outside she calls the parrot hybrid over, "Hey Grian."

"Pearl," He beams as he lands beside her, "What's up?"

Pearl grins.


Slapping the name tag onto his back Pearl watches as Grian ends up flat on his back, "Ow."

"Hmm, looks like it won't put players upside down but definitely in weird positions," Pearl takes note of this.

"What did you do?" Grian laughs as he pulls the name tag off his back; it took quite a bit of flapping and squirming his arms under his wings.

"Dinnerbone name tags," She shows him the stack of stickers.

"Ohh cool."


"Scar," Pearl waves the Vex down.

"Hey Pearl, what can I do for you?"

Shrugging Pearl sticks the name tag to the back of his jacket. Being very careful to avoid his wings.

"Oh," Scar hums, "I see."

Pearl laughs as Scar floats upside down.

"Any reason for this or just pranks."

"Pranks," Pearl nods.

"I see, good job," Scar laughs, "This is fun."


Walking into the RV's campsite Pearl hums and looks around for Doc and Ren. Both of them would be fun to flip.

Hearing voices from inside the RV she knocks.

"Who? Oh hey Pearl," Doc grins, "What brings you over here?"

"I have something for you," She grins, Ren pokes his head under Doc's legs, "Both of you."

Following her outside they stand in a small circle. Carefully she puts a sticker on Doc's lab coat then one on the bandana tied around Ren's throat.

"Wait what?" Doc mutters as he shakes his head, "Really?"

Pearl laughs at the upside down creeper.

"I will get revenge," He hisses, pulling the name tag off.

"I look forward to it."

Barking Ren gives his best doggy grin as he walks upside down with his legs in the air.

Both Doc and Pearl burst into laughter.

"Ok," Doc sighs, "maybe no revenge, That might be worth it."


Pearl's next stop is Jevin's base.

"Hey jevin," She grins, "This looks wicked cool."

"Thanks dude," Jevin grins, "So what brings you by?"

"Just this," Pearl nods, slapping the name tag onto Jevin's shirt.

The effect is instant, Jevin flips upside down and splotches down squishing into a pile of slime. He splits into four soon after.

"Oh," Pearl gasps.

"Oops," one of the mini Jevin's giggles.

"We didn't mean to do that," Another one shrugs.

"Oh, Uh," Pearl looks down at the four Jevin's, "Sorry about that."

"It's fine."

"It happens."

"Really? You guys are still upside down."

"All good."

"We can prank Hypno," One of them gasps.

"We can," Another one grins.

"Thanks Pearl."

"Uh, ok."


Moving over to Bdubs's base Pearl grins.

"Hey Bdubs."

"Hi ya Pearl," Bdubs waves. His wing membranes flexing as he moves.

Walking up behind him Pearl places the sticker on his back.

"REALLY," He yelps, laying flat on his back staring up at the sky.

Laughing Pearl flies off.


Landing at Zed's base she sets off looking for the sheep.

"Hi Pearl," He grins, popping up behind her.

"Gah," Pearl yelps, jumping around.

Laughing Zedaph flings his arms out, "So what brings you here?"


And with that Zedaph is flipped.

Laughing he tries to find the nametag on his back, "Well, that's good to know. I will make a note of this."

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