Comfort Is found In Words And Actions: Mumbo

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Mumbo sits at the edge of his base and stares out at the horizon, his eyes have turned bright blue with little flecks of pink. Sighing, he leans against the cool grass of the base. Today has been a lot of busywork. He'd continued working on ruining his base, minor maintenance was done on many farms, and he went and talked to Grumbot and Jrum.

Overall the day had been pretty good but, he forgot something. Since he's a robot sleeping is different, at night he tends to go into a sort of shut down, he's fully aware of the outside world but he's stuck in one spot. About once a week he will completely shut down so he can recharge and do minor internal repairs.

"Howdy," Joe says as he carefully lands on the top of Mumbo's base, he jumps down and sits next to him, "I came here looking for a trade but you look like you need a friend right now."

Mumbo sits up and slumps over, "I'm fine, it just a little bit annoying..."

"What's bugging you?"

"This whole robot thing, it's just been weird. And sometimes I can ignore it and just go on with my day but other times it's right in my face," Eyes darkening to a navy blue he tugs his suit jacket around himself,

"That's not all that's bothering you," Joe softly pushes, "It's not healthy to bottle up your feelings."

Mumbo leans into the hug and starts talking, "Sometimes I'll try and eat something then I have to stop and it just hurts."

Joe nods as Mumbo keeps talking.

"If someone has a bunch of farms going at the same time you know how Redstone stuff starts to lag? Yeah, I'll lag and it's not fun. It's like I'm trying to walk through honey. It's not fun, I can still think normally but I get stuck and sometimes get stuck in loops."

"What kind of loops if you don't mind me asking," Joe asks, pushing his glasses up.

"I'll repeat words and phrases. If it's really bad I'll get stuck in a repeating action."

Sucking in a breath Joe winces, "I can't imagine how annoying that would be."

Mumbo shrugs, "It sucks but I just have to live with it."

The sun dips below the horizon, "We should get inside," Joe says as he ushers Mumbo indoors.

His eyes begin to dim slightly, Joe narrows his eyes in concern, "Are you ok?"

"It's fine," Mumbo slurs, his voice processor starting to shut down, "I can't-t really sl-eep but I-I go in a power save mode at night."

As Mumbo starts to stumble Joe helps him over to his bed, "Do you normally just shut down outside?"

Mumbo shakes his head no.

Joe rolls his eyes, "Be a little more careful, you don't want to get swarmed by mobs."

By this point, Mumbo had powered down and was no longer moving. Joe pulls out his book and reads out loud in Mumbo's base for a few hours. From the softly shifting colors of his eyes, Mumbo is thoroughly enjoying the company and the story.

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