Comfort is found in words and actions: Keralis

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Keralis buzzes angrily, he had just barely finished taking the scaffolding down and one's been left at the top of the skyscraper. Normally this sort of thing wouldn't be that much of a problem, but not being able to use an Elytra is really annoying. Shaking the negative thoughts aside Keralis looks down at his communicator and jumps up.

He has to meet with Joe to trade in a few minutes. Jumping up he runs over to the docks where he's meeting him.

"Sorry I'm late," Keralis buzzes.

"You're fine, I only just got here myself," Joe grins as he pulls a shulker box full of gray concrete out.

"Thank you. Here's your side of the deal," Keralis hums as he hands Joe a stack of name tags. As Joe prepares to head off Keralis calls out, "Can you do me a favor? On the top of the reddish gray building I left a scaffolding block. I can't really fly up there."

Joe's expression softens, "Of course, I'll go get that for you."

"Thanks," Keralis sighs.

As Joe comes back he clumsily lands, "Ok, talk to me. What's wrong?"

"I'm just not able to be as efficient as I would like. Last season was good practice I guess, with the no flight village. It's just so annoying having to walk everywhere. Ice boats are ok but I miss flying. I feel like I'm supposed to be able to fly," His antenna bob down a bit as he talks, "Just my wings don't work and I don't even know what I'm supposed to do with them. It's getting a bit colder and they won't stop fluttering."

"What do you mean?" Joe asks as his looks at the thin membrane.

"Right now it's ok since I live in a warmer area but if I go somewhere colder they won't stop moving. It's like there trying to do something."

"Well, in the winter bees try to keep the hive warm by all flapping their wings. It could be your way of trying to keep yourself warm," Joe suggests as Keralis stretches his wings out.

"That's probably it," Keralis hums, "Something else that's pretty annoying is flowers. I'm drawn to them. I've wasted days just looking at them. They smell so good sometimes, I've tried to eat some."

"Oh, that's not good," Joe winces slightly.

"Eh, I've figured out which ones are edible, so I don't risk getting hurt."

"That's good," Joe murmurs.

"The time the meteor... Avar. When he turned everyone into the full Version of whatever he turned us into, that really made me think. I'm a bee, and just the sheer amount of help I needed was insane. I couldn't fly, I was too small to just walk everywhere and I would get stuck from having too much pollen. It was a very weird experience, but I can still do everything I want to. It might take longer but I can still do things."

Nodding along with the rant Joe listens intently.

Rubbing at his face Keralis winces, "I still haven't adjusted to my eyes."

"You can see a whole new plane of existence. I wouldn't expect that to fade for a while. Can you describe what you can see for me?"

Taking a breath Keralis begins to speak, "It's difficult to explain, the light bounces off of things the water gitters when the light hits it. Glass has a whole dimension added to it. The shipping containers feel more alive, the city has energy. Everything is more colorful," As his beautiful description drips down Keralis rubs his large eyes, "The eye sight is wonderful but it's got its problems. I get headaches and it's hard to focus on things."

Joe nods, "The tides of life pulling and pushing in each direction. Give too much and you will be swept away."

Buzzing indignantly Keralis protests, "What's that supposed to mean?"

"You can take it a Number of ways but in this case, listen to what you need. Your body knows what you need to remain in balance."

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