And Out Of Luck 1: Creeper Doc?

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  "You three are here because you're the only ones that weren't human when this started. I just need to know if any of you have noticed any changes," Scar says from his perch on Xisuma's head who after a few weeks has managed to stop knocking things, and people over with his tail. Which is a good thing because in the shopping district where they were meeting there are lots of things that can get knocked over.

Doc, Jevin, and Python look at each other and back at Xisuma and Scar with confused expressions.

"We want to know what kinds of instincts are normal and what are just showing up," Xisuma clarifies, and with a pointed stare, "Doc why don't you start us off."

"Well... I can't get out of this can I?" Doc asks looking up at Scar who shakes his head. "Fine, it's like the instincts of creepers just show up randomly. They're mostly like plants or reptiles so thermoregulation has been impossible, I don't really feel cold but, if I get too cold I'll slow down and try to be as much in the sun as possible. I've been getting more stressed out and anxious lately, so I've hissed at almost everyone, I had completely stopped hissing before the meteor happened."

After it was clear that Doc was done talking, Python takes a breath then goes on to explain what's been happening to him. "It's mostly the same for me, I don't want to do anything besides bask on one of my towers... And I smell with my tongue," As he says this he flicks his tongue out as if to show what he meant.

"And, that's not normal?" Scar asks a bit confused as he hasn't spent much time with the red creeper and was unsure about how he functions.

Python shakes his head before continuing. "It's like my brain is being reset to a more, snake-like way of thinking and acting."

"For me, it's a bit different, it's not like I'm getting more like a slime, instinct or behavior-wise," Jevin starts as he slowly melts part of his hand, "It's just way too easy to reform my slime, a few weeks ago a small slime snuck up on me and just disappeared. I think I may have absorbed it. If I did, I might be able to get absorbed by a different bigger slime,"


As Scar And Xisuma take a moment to talk about what to do, Xisuma suddenly flings himself around as a horrifying hiss fills the air. Doc's staring directly at Python who's slowly backing away hands out in front trying to calm the other creeper.

"Doc! What are you doing!" Xisuma yells hand at his belt ready to defend his other friends if he needs to, he wouldn't hurt Doc of course but if he needs something in between himself and a creeper, it's a sword.

"X, stop," Python says slowly dropping to the ground, "He's in pain and confused,"

"How would you know that?" Scar asks as he floats down to rejoin the group.

"I'm still part creeper just different subspecies,"

"Ok, Python I want more on that later, what's he saying?" Xisuma asks, taking his hands off his sword belt.

"Um, it's not so much 'saying' as conveying different emotions. Most creeper hissing is excitement or fear. From Doc it sounds like, I'm hurt and why."

"Can you talk to him?" Xisuma asks as he sits down across from Python. "Try to calm him down enough to talk."

"Maybe? Red creepers don't hiss as loud it's almost like a different dialect," After saying this Python lets out a far less terrifying hiss that means something like, the danger is gone, and safety.

As Doc slowly stopped panicking and he simply lay basking in the sun eventually falling asleep. Scar takes off to take a look at the readings from the meteor, promising to be back soon.

"Python? Explain what you mean by different subspecies?" Xisuma asks as they wait for Scar to get back. Jevin nods in agreement.

"Well red creepers aren't as aggressive as the green ones, they are normally hidden underground so they're more likely to just run away instead of fighting, they don't explode either. The green creepers are more like lizards, and the red ones are more snake-like, they tend to not have legs," Python explains.

"You have legs," Jevin says blankly.

"I got captured and was experimented on," Python says ultimately ending the conversation.


"What happened?" Doc asks as he rubs his head.

"It looks like your the next one the meteor's affecting," Scar starts then stops, "It looks like your creeper side is becoming much more prominent."

"What do you mean?" Doc asks blinking a few times.

"You've got a small creeper tail," Xisuma answers as he flicks his tail to the side.

Doc with a very confused expression looks behind himself to try and see the short tail. "This is... interesting. I know its there but, nothing feels off,"

"What does it feel like?" Xisuma asks a bit confused.

"It feels normal, like it's supposed to be there,"

"Is it supposed to be there?" Jevin questions sitting on the ground next to Python.

"Well, I suppose so, Creepers do have tails, but you don't normally see them on adult creepers," Doc explains as he rubs the new tail.

"Baby creepers have tails?" Scar whispers in disbelief.

"They actually look a bit like green fuzzy cats, without the ears or whiskers. They also have ridiculously long necks that are so stinking cute," Python cuts in before Doc can give an answer.

"Sometimes a creeper won't lose their tail, it's pretty rare and I don't know if I would have had one," Doc finishes looking a bit mortified as Scar was on a wall mouthing creeper cats over and over.

"I have one more question for now," Xisuma starts. "Can you explode?"

Doc inhales sharply then slowly exhales, "Currently, no, if the meteor continues giving me the parts that got removed, maybe," 

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