A Dragons Hoard

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TFC settles down in his house and pulls out his communicator to read. He's had a pretty rough day.

He loves the hermits and their server, it's just that it's a lot. The meteor, his leg. Just everything.

A knock from the door draws his attention, "Come in," He calls.

Wels slowly opens the door, "Hi."

"Hi, what can I do for you?" TFC grins, motioning for him to sit down.

Wels shrugs, "I'm not sure, I just felt like I should come here."

"Might be a dragon thing," TFC suggests.

"Probably," Wels stretches his wings out slightly.

TFC stays silent for a few minutes, "Could this have something to do with the fact I'm partly gold?"

Tail thumping on the ground Wels nods, "that would make sense."

The conversation turns to matters on mining and building. How long it takes to grind for the resources.

Wels grins to himself as he stands up, "Thank you for the conversation."

"Not a problem," TFC waves, "come over any time."

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