Lisianthus 1: Budding

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Wandering around her bookshop stress grins, the sales have been pretty good. Not as good as Lookie Lookie At My Bookie from last season but it's still doing pretty good.

Heading over to Gem's base she grins, the new hermit's been making absolutely amazing progress. She's heading over to get some drip leaves and some more spore blossoms.

Slowly sorting through the chests Stress pulls out a few diamonds and pays before pulling out her communicator, a meteor alert had gone off.

A sinking feeling fills her. There's only three hermits left...

"You ok there Stress," Gem asks softly, "Do you need a water?"

"Hmm, oh I'm ok love," Stress grins softly, "Me head's just feeling a bit funny."

"Yeah," Gem nods, "Water might help..."

"You're probably right," Stress sighs as she takes the water, "Hope it's nothing with the meteor..."

"Oh yeah, that would suck," Gem squeezes her hand gently, "Might just be from the spore blossoms."

"Uhg, hopefully, they are pretty but they do make a lot of pollen," Stress grumbles, "Thanks for the water."

"Hey no problem," Gem grins, "Least I can do to help."

As Stress gets her shopping done she smiles softly and hums a little bit. Chatting with Gem she tells her about how she was the Ice queen two seasons ago and then gave etho the job, that actually ended up keeping his fur white all year.

"Well that is quite the story," Gem smiles softly.

"Why don't you tell me something," Stress grins, "How's your base."

"Oh it's coming along amazingly," Gem grins, "I made a really big deer over there."

"Ohh yeah, I saw that, it looks amazing," Stress rolls her shoulders back.

"Is your back ok?" Gem asks, "You keep moving weird."

"My back's just a bit itchy," Stress sighs.

"You want me to take a look?"

"Sure thing love," Stress turns around.

"Hmmm," Gem hums, "You've got little bumps, they look kinda like bug bites..."

"Well that doesn't tell us anything now does it," Stress shakes her head laughing slightly.

Gem shakes her head, "Stick around for a bit?"


After getting False they head into Gem's starter base to hang out for a while. It takes a few hours before anything else is noticed.

"Stress," False hums, "Your hair looks... pinker."

"Wot?" Stress scrunches her nose up, as she pulls it in front of her face, "Oh that's, interesting..." Her hair has shifted a few shades into a pinkish brown. Just outside of normal hair colors.

"It looks like a filter," Gem hums.

"It does," False nods.

"I like," Stress hums, "It's cute."

"So definitely the meteor," Gem nods, "Wait let me see your back again."

Stress nods and turns around.

"Oh that's not good," Gem gasps as False sucks in a breath.

"Wot, what is it?" Stress asks as she turns around.

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