The Heart Of All Creation Part 2: Rise Again

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Standing over the perimeter Doc grins as he jumps down flaring his Elytra out he glides over to the center platform. He sorts a few items into the chest set up as his brain and cybernetic enhancements try to understand what had just happened.

Vex was dead right? But she's back. His cybernetics are lagging as the information doesn't match. The creeper side of his brain understands what happened, she wasn't fully dead, respawn able. But the two sides clash. The cybernetic side accepting the perma death.

Just as he finishes recalibrating the new information the world shudders. Rocking the world up it shakes everything. Almost like something's under the bedrock

Grabbing onto a chest Doc hisses in surprise.

This isn't supposed to happen. They aren't updating the server yet. The update just came out.

The bedrock makes a large CRACK, and it echoes up the perimeter.

"Oh snap." Doc whispers as he watches the entire bedrock floor shudder and fine cracks start appearing.

One block is sucked down. Then another. And another.

Until a perfectly round ten by ten hole drops down into the void. A swirling mass of color slowly bubbles up.

Watching as the form starts to take shape Doc huddles back against the wall. Something about this being, it rilles his instincts up. Purring softly to calm himself Doc watches.

The being snaps its head up to the platform. Then dissolves and reforms right in front of Doc.

"You have seen my sister." It states. A grin splitting it's face, "where is she, please... it's been so long."

"You're Void."

Nodding End reaches out to pat Doc's head, "Im end at the moment. But yes that would be me."

"If you don't mind me asking, what's the difference?" Doc tilts his head to the side fascinated.

"As Void, I protect the players from falling too far in the void, see I never truly left, I couldn't. But as The End I am the ruler of my dimension. I govern and protect." It looks out, "I have little to protect now... but perhaps, someday we'll rebuild. Repopulate. Just as my brother has done."

Doc nods, "I see."

"Do you truly know where my sister should be?

"In the spawn village." Doc points.

"Thank you." Void bows. Then Just as swiftly as it came it drifted away on the wind.


"Sister?" A wall of pure heat blisters the air as the nether lord himself enters the overworld.

Vex looks over from her spot overlooking the cove. "Brother."

In a few steps Nether has his sister crushed in a hug, "You are ok?"

"A bit fatigued from traveling, but I am well." She hugs him back.

Joe watches from his perch, he's in his true form and both tails are wagging in excitement. "End will be arriving soon."

Reunited at long long last.

Oh, how long it has been since all three dimensions were properly joined.

End arrives a few minutes later. Vex shouts and runs to her eldest sibling.

When all three are in an embrace, something ripples through the world.

A spark of energy and love.

Things long forgotten by the players begin to stir. A slight tremor runs throughout the world. All the worlds.

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