White Fur1: Ears and Tails

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Etho hums as he quietly works on his Redstone. It has been going pretty well so far and aside from a few small hiccups, everything's running smoothly. It's a fairly simple contraption. He's making a door today and while it's fairly useless as he doesn't really have walls it's the principal. It's a pretty fun design with a few bits that make it look a lot fancier than it is.

Grinning Etho tries the door. With a wince he hurriedly covers his ears, "That was loud," he murmurs to himself. Before shrugging and getting back to work, every so often wincing at loud sounds. He just brushes it off as feeling kinda off that day and continues working.

As he works his communicator starts buzzing with an important message. Unfortunately, it's located in a completely different area of his base so he doesn't hear it. He really should keep it close by, but in his excitement, he had forgotten it.

It's really unfortunate that he doesn't hear the device going off. It's a server alert message from Doc, saying the meteor's active once again and telling them to be on the lookout. He also asks everyone to confirm that they've received the message. Everyone save for Etho responds. Doc smiles to himself and sends a message saying that he would go and check on him.

As Doc draws near he furrows his eyebrows, something's off. He can't quite place a finger on it but something about the ninja is different.

With a slightly startled hiss, he realizes. Where are his ears? Walking up to Etho Doc realizes. He's got fox ears, and they perfectly match his hair, "Are you ok?" Doc asks clearly referring to the ears.

"Uh, yeah why wouldn't I be?"

It dawns on Doc that Etho might not have noticed what's happening, "The meteor's active again," Doc says slowly, "You didn't respond to the message so I came by to check on you."

"You really didn't have to, you have more important things to do than to sit around and talk to me. You could be figuring out who's getting affected."

Internally Doc screams as he fully realizes that Etho has no idea that he's been affected. He quickly thinks of a way to tell him that wouldn't be overly exaggerated, "I was worried that you never responded. I thought you had been affected."

"Me? Nah, I would tell you immediately if I got affected," Etho states matter-of-factly.

Somehow Doc manages not to burst out laughing at the total absurdity of the situation. That plans out the window, "I'm sure you would."

One of the ears twitches and Etho runs a hand through his hair, "You look really stressed."

Doc smiles, "I'm a little overworked from the meteor stuff," the creeper admits as he sits on the edge of the small pit Etho's working in.

Etho hums, somehow not noticing his ears pinning back against his head in concern, "Do you want to hangout?"

With a slightly off grin the creeper nods and helps Etho clamber out of the hole. "Do you want to head over to my base?"

"Sure," Etho chirps as he pulls his mask down to drink some water.

As the pair head for the Goat Father's base, Etho pushes up his headband and his fingers almost brush his ears.

Doc progressively gets more and more stressed about how to tell him, until he decides to see just how long this can go on without Etho noticing. He sends a message to the others telling them what had happened and that Etho somehow didn't realize that he had fox ears.

Zedaph immediately sends a message back, "To be fair sometimes you don't realize your ears have changed."

Tango: I remember that

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