Comfort is found in words and actions: Python

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Python huddles under the thick pile of blankets. It's beginning to turn to winter so The area around his face has magma cubes scattered around for warmth. A campfire crackles happily as the snake like hermit coils into his blankets.

He would have moved inside but unfortunately the inside hasn't really been fully weather proofed yet. It's much warmer over by the campfire and Python can't bring himself to move.

Soft footsteps against a normally deserted path, draw Python from his thoughts.

"Howdy there," Joe grins, "What are you doing laying outside?"

"It's warmer outside," Python murmurs yawning, "I haven't finished weatherproofing."

Foldly shaking his head Joe looks over, "How's this I'll get some of your house warmed up, then you come inside and we can talk."

Python hisses in thought, "Ok, let's do that."

As Joe works on warming up Python's base he slithers over and looks through the window. They idly chatter about the happenings on the hermitcraft server. Python has moved to a solitary world and isn't looking to return yet. The hermits have always done amazing things but sometimes that kind of pressure is too much.

"Ok, your house is now warmed and will stay warm," Joe explains, "So how are you doing?"

Coiling up on the couch Python shrugs, "I'm ok, I've just picked up a few annoying habits."

At Joe's nod he continues, "You know how snakes do the brumation thing during the winter? I do it to, I guess, I think it was sorta happening when I first got transformed. I'm really tired and I don't really eat that much."

Joe nods, "That would explain why you were so tired for so long."

"Yeah," Python hisses softly, using his long body and an armrest.

"Being cold all the time must really suck," Joe muses.

"Sometimes it does, it's normally easy enough to fix though. Just sit near a fire or something else warm. The food part is a lot worse."

"How so?"

"I'm like a constrictor. I wrap around what I try to hunt," Python explains, the tip of his tail flicks softly, "After I eat I normally don't need to eat again for a few days and when it gets cold I can go a few weeks. Because of that I don't chew things that much."

"That's good to know," Joe says slowly, "How are your ventral scales?"

"Still all scratched up from the mountain, I might have to shed before they fully heal."

Joe leans towards Python, "How are you doing with getting around?"

"Much better than before, I've actually managed to climb up things."

"That's good."

"Yeah I can roll into different places really easily now, I can sometimes climb onto the roof."

"That's good," Joe repeats.

"So, how are you?" Python asks, "We've talked about everyone else, but you."

"I'm, doing ok, I can't really do anything about The inevitability of the meteor so I make do by helping out where I can."

Python smiles, "Joe you are so kind."

"I'm just doing my part."

"We're all just trying to make do," Python hisses, "Sometimes it's hard and you can't always control what's happening. I can't do a lot of things but you learn and adapt to the changes."

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