Warning: Loud Noises and Flashing Lights

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The thunder crackles as Doc and Ren look up at the tower.

"Wow, uh, that's impressive," Ren says, his ears pinning back against his head.

A grin splits Doc's face, "This is glorious."

As the other hermits slowly gather around, Ren looks up at the structure then back at Doc. The Creeper is still staring up at the lightning transfixed.

A whimper keans it's way from Ren as he shifts into wolf form. Paws padding against the ground he nearly runs into Joe. Shaking, he continues to run back to his base.

He bumps the door to his RV open with his paw and noses it closed behind himself. Panting he grabs a chew toy and squeaks it as he tries to block out the sound.

Dully he notices a hand carding through his fur. Looking over he whimpers and bumps Joe's leg with his head.

"It's ok," Joe murmurs, "Xisuma's resetting the weather.

Another huge crash of thunder shakes the RV.

Then silence.

"See," Joe coos, "all quiet."

Whimpering Ren thumps his tail.

"It's ok."

Ren huffs slightly and places his head on Joe's lap.

Scratching his ears Joe grins, "They've disassembled the lightning generator."

Yawning Ren barks out a quiet thanks before falling asleep. 

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