Crystal Shards

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The first time it happens, it's an accident. Impulse was reaching for some golden carrots and grabbed a shard of amethyst by mistake. It tasted really good.

So he eats another.

After a handful it's making his bedrock patches feel a bit tingly.

It's not until a few days later when any sort of problem is noticed.

"Hey Uh," Grian chirps, "You've got... Uh purple bits."

"What?" Impulse looks down at his arms. The bedrock has taken on a slight texture and has a light purple sheen to it, "Oh, Uh that's not good."

"Should you ask," Grian points to the boatem hole, "Void about it."

"You know what," He grins, "I'll go ask it."

Grian nods before turning back to his conversation with Grumbot.

Taking a breath Impulse walks over to the hole and looks down at the inky void below. Shrugging he jumps.

"Hello my child," Void grins, "What brings you here."

"Uh I've got these all over," Impulse shows void his leg where more tiny crystals have sprouted on the bedrock.

"My little voidling is getting some adornments from my sister it seems," Void laughs softly, "Worry not child, it comes from the crystals you've been eating."

"Are they bad for me?" Impulse gasps.

"I would say, no but do try to eat some normal food at some point," Void chuckles, "And before you leave take this," It hands Impulse a purple amethyst bow tie to Impulse with a knowing wink, "It may come in handy."

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