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Humming to himself Grian sets about making sure the Gtrain Shop is well stocked. Spotting Impulse walking over he grins and heads over to show off his new stock.

"Hey, Impulse," He grins wildly as he spreads his wings open, "Could I interest you in buying some... uhhh..." His wings curl close around his body as his face flushes bright red.

Impulse nods, pretending that he knows what Grian's selling, "Where's the stock?"

"Over, this way," Grian chirps as he hops towards the train car.

Impulse follows behind. As Grian shows him the stock he grins, "That's a good price on soulfire lanterns."

"Soulfire lanterns," Grian nods, speaking in Impulse's voice, "Want to buy some?"

"I think I'm good for now," Impulse nods, "But I'm considering using them soon so I'll be back."


"Grian," Mumbo sighs, "Are you stuck with only these words or what."

"What." Grian chirps giggles overtaking his voice.

"Could you possibly stop?" The robot asks, "It's weird hearing myself."

"Weird..." Grian hums still using Mumbo's voice, swapping to his voice he grins, "Nope."


Grian: Pineapples

RenDog: [Audio File]

RenDog: there you go :D

Grian: Thank you.

Looking up Grian returns to his conversation with a villager. Well more him talking at a villager while he trades. 

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