How Three Became One 4: Do I keep on running?

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Grabbing his horse Avar runs away from his family and over to Joziah's tavern.

"I'm going, don't let them follow me," He instructs as he throws some coins onto the counter.

"Where?" The frazzled innkeeper asks, as he gently pulls Avar over to a table.

"I'm going to her."

Taken aback slightly Joziah nods, "You wish to honor your friend?"

"I do," Avar answers harshly, "I'm sorry I don't mean to snap at you."

He nods, "You've been through a lot lately, I will inform lady vex of your arrival."

"How do you do that?"

"That's my secret," He grins slyly.

Sighing, Joziah watches as Avar rushes down the road. Nodding to his helper he walks into a back room and teleports to Lady Vex's hall.

"Joziah, how wonderful of you to join us," Vex grins as the eldritch being arrives in a puff of smoke.

He nods quickly, his third eye blinking from being hidden for a few weeks, "Your champion is heading here and one of his teammates has been killed."

"Oh my," She frowns, "Do you know what he wants?"

"No my lady, but I believe he wants the power to avenge his friend, and keep the world safe.

Her face falls, "For this threat I cannot give him what he desires."

Joziah nods "i understand," Shifting back to his human form he nods softly and disappears.

Hours later Avar arrives, "Lady of Lies," He grins softly.

"Hello my champion," she grins sadly, "Tell me the reason for your visit, what brought you here?"

As Aver explains what has happened she shrinks down to a more human size.

"Can you help me?" He pleads.

Vex sighs, "I can, but not in the way you think."

Frowning Avar takes a seat as she starts to talk.

"There always comes a time when a world must move on. The void rises and consumes all. When something like this happens it's often for the best to simply move on."

"What are you saying?" Avar asks, his voice quavering.

"I'm telling you that I can give you the power to help your friend but it wouldn't be worth it."

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